My digital odometer & clock stopped working suddenly. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My digital odometer & clock stopped working suddenly.


New Member
April 24, 2021
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City, State
seattle, wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 XLT 4WD
Hello! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I recently did some work on my Aerostar (plugs, coils, leads) so I assume I disconnected something by accident. My dimmer and interior lights still work. The digital odometer is not displaying any data, and the clock radio does not work. Specifically the radio and tape deck do not turn on and there is no data on the clock readout. However both clock and odometer screens are still illuminated. My dad suggested a fuse, but the two items do not appear to be related in other discussions I've read regarding difficulties. I've seen a ton of stuff about the odometer, but none of them also involve the clock. I thought maybe something that carries data from the engine into the dash was cut off.
Any clever suggestions? Thank you.

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The plugs and wires may not be related. Things have to break sometime, it might have just coincidentally happened. The first step is checking all your fuses, and then looking at a wiring diagram.

Well that would honestly be a relief. Could changing the plugs and leads etc potentially have blown a fuse somehow?
Turns out the interior lights aren't going on either.
Fuse #7, a 15A fuse, was blown, I disconnected the battery, replaced the fuse, reconnected the battery, and the fuse was immediately blown again.

Welcome to this forum! It sounds like a fuse blew out.
Turns out the interior lights aren't going on either.
Fuse #7, a 15A fuse, was blown, I disconnected the battery, replaced the fuse, reconnected the battery, and the fuse was immediately blown again.

The plugs and wires may not be related. Things have to break sometime, it might have just coincidentally happened. The first step is checking all your fuses, and then looking at a wiring diagram.
Turns out the interior lights aren't going on either.
Sadly, I can't make heads or tails out of the wiring diagrams in my Chilton manual, but I'm working on it. Fuse #7, a 15A fuse, was blown, I disconnected the battery, replaced the fuse, reconnected the battery, and the fuse was immediately blown again.
My father was an electrician in a former life and he can help me poke at it, but I am discouraged.

Easy thing to do is remove the inside lite covers and take a look, then remove the screws that hold the lite assemblys and check for a frayed wire. You could also look at the wiring harness that you can easily access. After that it will get harder.
