My EE X-Spec testimony | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My EE X-Spec testimony


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
Let me tell you a story
We ( my wife, son, and I) were driving along minding our own business, about 68-70 mph and an older gentleman who couldn't see well ( driving, not seeing) tried turning onto highway from a side road at the very last minute. We went right, very quickly, and down into a ditch to avoid him, and back on the road again, so quickly that we ended up well in front of him. All 4 tires stayed firmly on the ground. I am so glad I purchased and installed the X spec kit. I truly believe it saved our lives.
I also find that not slowing for corners ( saves on brakes) means not speeding back up (gas mileage), and I think lower wind resistance ( gas mileage )
The install wasn't difficult, about 4 hours in driveway ( I'm pretty slow and all)
I have a bad back also, but the ride is better to me than my wifes car, and that being said, I am very pleased with my purchase.
Be sure to have it aligned to their specs afterward, not factory specs. is where it can be purchased--

A while back ago...waaay back(before i had my license) i wanted to lower the mounty and supercharge it. I did a good amount of research and found this kit was really good. Motor trend liked it as well.
