My girl's 05 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My girl's 05 XLT


March 30, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Waipahu, Hawaii
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 XLT
Just wanted to post up my girl's 2005 XLT. Here's the mods so far:

- Alpine W-205 double din
- Driver & passenger headrests with monitors
- 5% tint all around, 35% on windshield w/ 5% top strip
- Upper and lower billet grill
- Black Housing headlights & corners
- 06-10 Tail Lights w/ LED reverse bulbs
- 8000k DDM Tuning HID low beam kit & 3000k fog lights
- Oznium interior LED bulbs all over
- Exhaust









So far my next plans are to do a HID retrofit and pick up some 20-22's. What do you guys think?

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This is kind of what the 3rd gen pics thread and registries are for bud.

But the truck looks good.

You tinted the whole windshield? Damn, lol. 35% Its a tad hard to see out of the side windows at night with that let alone out the windshield :O

This is kind of what the 3rd gen pics thread and registries are for bud.

But the truck looks good.

Sorry Triton, I shoulda put it there.

You tinted the whole windshield? Damn, lol. 35% Its a tad hard to see out of the side windows at night with that let alone out the windshield :O

lol. 35% isn't bad at all since the headlights are on. Yeah just the sides are a pain when there isn't enough lighting. I feel like I'm in a fish tank when I'm in my civic with 20% all around and no windshield tint. So far we trip out the gate guards when we come on base since they can't really see inside and luckily no police have bothered us.

I know i should be complimenting the X, but... do i see me a camaro..?:D

fresh! nice, is it v6 or v8 what exhaust system did you use?

I'm ashamed. I don't really know. Lol. All I know is it's flowmasters and she said something about dual in single out or something? Haha. I'm more of a car guy but recently got addicted to doing stuff to her x. And she's a v6.

I'm ashamed. I don't really know. Lol. All I know is it's flowmasters and she said something about dual in single out or something? Haha. I'm more of a car guy but recently got addicted to doing stuff to her x. And she's a v6.

If it's just a muffler, you can get under the explorer and on the side of the muffler you will find a product number. You can write it down and then go look up online exactly which flowmaster series it has!

nice x ur girl has
