My newly updated look... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My newly updated look...


Well-Known Member
July 18, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Zeeland, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 2dr. V8 Sport
take a look... tell me what you think
I have a safari roof rack being made for me and 4 Halo off-road lights coming to be mounted to it. I plan on lifting it asap...after I get a job
Maybe rims and tires eventually

Headlight Covers...Christmas Present


New Tail Lights...Christmas Present
New Dual Exhaust...Birthday Present.I turned 18


3in chrome tips


Told you ...they're true duals...cats. to 2cherrybombs...out the back as duals


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looks nice and how does she sound with the exhaust how big are your tips

It's the best sounding V6 around my area....some say they've mistakened it for a V8 at Idle but mainly when I drive it hard you can tell it's a V6....
And the Tips are 3in.....I got from the mufflers to the back done for $150
They actually messed up the first time and put 4in. tips on . They looked ridiculous being so big... so I asked them to change'em out

Thats a great color you got there.

I really like the tail lights. Im usually not a big fan of some of them but these are awesome.

nice! I like it. the 2 tone is awesome! You need to paint under the truck with some rust preventing pain though.

nice truck!

I have the same tail lights, I love them really improved the look

I love the two tone

true duals on a V6? Ouch! Hate to say it but your losing power unless your boosted
Looks nice though and I bet it sounds great!

Well I don't know about the horsepower loss...I have two cherrybomb glasspacks so it keep good backpressure.
I hope on lifting it so when I do that I'll try to coat the main rust areas with better prevention stuff...I'm taking an Auto Body class at our tech. school so I can do it there forsure. But living in Michigan the winters are a killer with all the road salt. I have already fixed a couple rust spots but the one on the back gate is coming back so I'm going to have to do that over again.
Thanx Everyone for the input though, it's cool to hear that everyone likes it...It's not to bad for a highschoolers first vehicle

Thats kinda funny, I saw this truck today in town but it was not a sport. It was JUST like this but Blue and White so strange!

axial u got aim or yahoo

and do u got the spare tire or did u get rid of it i still got my spare on mine

Well I used to have yahoo and aim and msn until the computer crashed and it never got put back on...
I still have the's strapped down to the roof right can see it in the top photo if you scroll younger brother has a metals class and he's building me a safari rack
When he gets it done we're having it powdercoated, but I don't what color yet, I'll get pictures up eventually
I do have an's and I'm Tyler, the email is our whole families so It'll be labeled as my parents eric and melissa

I also have a Facebook I don't know if you have one....But I'm Tyler Lemke, Zeeland West High '10

Back to that Harley-Davidson theme....yea I know they should've made some special version of the Explorer. There's so many things that I want to do with my SportX that I don't know when I would ever have the cash to supply my ideas

ok i friend requested u on facebook my name on there is Saam Reza Delrooz
