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My turn to brag!

Here are some shots of my truck after I cleaned the paint. I did about 5 hours of work on the paint. That is about as much as I can take, I can't go much longer than that.

I used Zymol this time, because I've been disappointed with Megiuars wax lately. Here are the steps I used:

1. Wash with Dawn to remove all old wax.
2. Clay barred it with Megiuars, using the Quick Detailer as the clay lube.
3. Used Megiuars Step 2 Paint Cleaner.
4. Waxed with Zymol.






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:eek: Looks awesome! Specially for being 8 years old! I started to do mine today.. but it was too hot. Maybe tonight...

Looking good!

How was the clay bar application? I tried it once and gave up after about 5 minutes. It seemed like way too much of a PITA.

looks nice, you could use it as a mirror to shave with!

Looks great.
is'nt Zmoyl great? I just did the same thing to he Beemers. I think they key is to wash with Dawn first to remove the old stuff.
I did a dawn wash, then claybar with the Zymol detailer, then I washed it again using auto wash then I Zymol'd. It looks (and feels) amazaing.

Thanks for the compliments guys. Not only does the truck look great, it feels like glass as well. I think I will stick with Zymol. The $14 was well worth it.

hpi_rs4_snr, I could use the truck as a mirror to shave with if I could grow facial hair. :D

i waxed our explorer for the first time since we bought the truck. yours looks about like ours does except we have pin stripes.

btw...i like the way you have the ford emplem on the front.

Its funny you should mention the Ford emblem...

When I asked for opinions about it here, I got mostly negative responses, but when I asked the Ranger forum, I got mostly positive responses. Two different breeds I guess. :confused:

Looks really good Hartman. Dark colored cars are my favorite to clean up cause you can really see where you did your work. Nothing shines like black.
Grill & air dam give it a stealth look. I like it.

Good job Hartman!! Keep up the good work!!

Damn! My 01 couldn't shine that nice if I got it repainted! :confused:

That's a nice way of getting your face in the pic without being a ham! :D

For a minute there I though it was through the windshield...until I realized that was the code pad! :confused:

It is hard to believe that thing is 8 years old isn't it?

Did you use the store brand Zymol? Thats actually Turtle Wax sold under the Zymol moniker. Real Zymol paint products are very expensive, I've never tried them.

We've switched over to Megiars swirl remover, P21S polish and Poorboy's EX sealant, and so far we've done the Explorer and my Lexus. Both came out amazing, better than anything I've used. I unfortunately do not have pictures though.

Next week my son is going to detail his new Lexus which is a real dark (almost black) burgundy (My car is silver and the Explorer is white, so basically anything does the trick on them) and I'm looking forward to seeing the results on that color.

If you go to you can find the professional grade stuff that is actually formulated by Zymol. The "Japon" wax is what they sell at the Lexus dealerships, its formulated specially for japanese paint.

Its actually cheaper than I thought, $30 for the cleanse, $50 for the wax.

Originally posted by Hartman
Its funny you should mention the Ford emblem...

When I asked for opinions about it here, I got mostly negative responses, but when I asked the Ranger forum, I got mostly positive responses. Two different breeds I guess. :confused:
bullsh!t Hartman!!! some said they liked it, others said they didnt, i said i didnt know yet (i have decided i like it). :p

BTW- thats some friggin awesome shine you got there. i have also been abit dissapointed with Meguiars lately. looks like i might try some Zymol.

Stephen, I had no idea that the store-bought Zymol was really a Turtle Wax product. I don't really mind though, because it worked good for me. I've tried actual Turtle Wax waxes, and they sucked compared to this.

I like to be able to buy wax at a store, but I will try some Blackfire or Zaino one of these days.

can blackfire or zaino be bought at a local store or only over the net? i can't seem to find them anywhere local.

That's the point I was making, Blackfire and Zaino need to be ordered.

God I feel so lazy. I dont use any of those. lol. Maybe i need to start to though.

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Hartman, Yeah hell if it works whats the difference? Ordering it really isn't so bad, I had it all here within a couple days of ordering. I find now I dont even set foot in a store to buy anything for the cars, I even order wiper blades ;)
