Need bearing and seal info on 97' AWD front diff. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need bearing and seal info on 97' AWD front diff.

Yes, I removed the front driveshaft and dove it around.....the noise was still there.

It has to be a rotating part of some kind......they only thing left that I haven't replaces are the half shafts with the CV joints coming out of the diff. Is there any way to get some lube inside the CV boots and see if that quites them up? Maybe a needle grease nozzle to pump some grease in there?

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yeah a needle to puncture the boot would work - tho thats a somewhat "crude" way of lubing it. you could remove the boot, grease it up, and put the boot back on.

I might give that a try and see what happens.

As far as switching into can't. :D

Yes, the 4404 AWD transfer case is just that, AWD. A normal transfer case is too big to fit with the 5.0 and tranny (or Ford didn't bother to look very hard) so they put in an AWD.

As to the noise, my only experience is that "under your feet" *IS* your transfer case. Take a look, it's right there. If you already replaced the front driveshaft, then I would say it is coming from the tcase. How many miles on it? I JUST replaced mine about a month ago. The chain was slipping. It was infrequent at first, so hard to pinpoint. Originally thought it was the driveshaft (had already been replaced). Then Ford said it was in the fron end, and would need a rebuild, then I crawled under it when it got worse and had my wife drive over me (ok, not really) and I decided it was definitely the transfer case. 'Course, it was not grinding, it was actually the chain slipping, but the sound (or "pop") was right under my seat.

I'm not saying to go replace your transfer case and spend more money, but that's someplace to look.

My transfer case is actually father back. It's right under where the passengers feet would be in the back seat. I don't think it's coming from there. I had the truck up on jackstands and with all 4 tires turning, I didn't hear any noises coming from the was more towards the front of the truck. Could a front half shaft CV joint make a grinding noise...but not make the click-click noise when you turn full right or left? Thanks for all the help.

Yeah, I guess you are right, but the front shaft enters the tcase right under your *ss. That's where my sound was coming from. It sounds like you've definitely narrowed yours down to the front end. Good luck though, and let us know what it ends up being.

My '97 just started the same symptoms. Just subscribing to this thread
