NEED HELP ASAP!!! Explorer Rattle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NEED HELP ASAP!!! Explorer Rattle


New Member
June 15, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Explorer 2005 EB

I recently purchased a used 2005 Ford Explorer EB edition. The car was a single owner, no accident history, and dealer maintained vehicle.

I am still in the "return warranty" period where I can return the vehicle if I dont feel right...

But just today, on the 2nd day, I notice a rattle of sorts, when the car accelerates initially, when I put in parking and give it a go, it happens again, so pretty much I hear a rattle when I press the gas pedal and it gets a bit loud but then the actual engine noise takes over and it dissipates into the background.

The SUV seems to run fine, but its just annoying to have to hear it causing me to worry that something is "wrong".

Again, I need advice on this ASAP because I literally have one more day to make a decision whether to keep this or not. It has about 139K miles on it.

Any input would help. This is my first ford, I want to love this SUV but I dont want something that will fail on me costing me more in the long run.

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Do you know which engine you have?

Well, I know next to nothing about the sohc engine, om more familiar with the older style ohv, which I have. But, just from browsing this forum, I know that a very common problem with that engine is the the timing chain tensioners failing. That's what came to mind when I read your description of the symptoms.
I suggest searching here and reading up on the topic, and meantime someone more knowledgable will hopefully chime in!

Well, I know next to nothing about the sohc engine, om more familiar with the older style ohv, which I have. But, just from browsing this forum, I know that a very common problem with that engine is the the timing chain tensioners failing. That's what came to mind when I read your description of the symptoms.
I suggest searching here and reading up on the topic, and meantime someone more knowledgable will hopefully chime in!

Thank you for your replies. Im going to be honest, I am a medical student and my technical knowledge when it comes to vehicles is very limited, not to mention my time is limited with repairs, hence since I have one day left to return the car, do you think I should, or could this be a easy relatively easy fix? I am going to ask them to fix it for me since its still under "warrenty", but chances are the way dealerships are with these vehicles, I doubt it, they will find some exception for it. The SUV runs nice, but if its going to give me problems with money, I dont want it.

So in laymen terms, what sort of cost component are we talking about?

The timing chain failure is a disaster. People calculate whether to fix it or junk the car. It's that bad.
The place to listen is in the front of the engine at the valve covers.

The timing chain failure is a disaster. People calculate whether to fix it or junk the car. It's that bad.
The place to listen is in the front of the engine at the valve covers.

Thank Godness I am still within the 3 day money back period. I am going to return this piece of trash tomorrow, no wonder it was such a good "deal".

If I had read this site before I bought my 2005 Exploder, I wouldn't have bought it.
