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need help


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February 20, 2011
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98 explorer sport .. no high beam headlights , washer wont work for the front wiper and no fog lights ???any help!!!

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the connector to the stalk is probably broken.

take the cover off and look.

98 explorer sport .. no high beam headlights , washer wont work for the front wiper and no fog lights ???any help!!!

Most likely the Multifunction Switch (MFS) on top of the steering column. Either the switch itself or the connector that plugs into it. (Except the fog lights - in my 4 door EB they operate off a separate switch next to the radio. Don't know if your Sport is the same.)

there is a power distribution block under the air filter on this explorer ...i dont know what relay does what or if u can tell if there bad just by looking at them...whatever it is its all on the some circuit..but which one? can u elaborate on the funcution of the multi purpose a chiltons manual and it does not show the power block under the airfilter

Two of us have pointed you to the MFS - why are you asking about some random electrical box?? The MFS sits under the cover on top of the steering column. It includes the hazard switch and the stalk the controls front wiper/washer, directionals, hi/lo beam, etc. You have to remove the plastic clamshell cover around the steering wheel (the tilt lever unscrews) for access. Both the switch itself and the connector are common problems on Explorers.
