Need part # please - VSS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need part # please - VSS


Well-Known Member
April 3, 2006
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City, State
Newport News
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
I need the part # for a 98 Ford Explorer XLT VSS sensor. The trans is a 5R55E and the TC is a 4405. Thanks! :). If you can provide a link for the cheapest place to get it, I'd be much obliged! :D

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A bad VSS will not allow the Cruise control to work. Confirmed.

You should be able to use any RABS (rear ABS) sensor from any 91-01 Explorer. A lot of Rangers, Mazda trucks, etc. etc. use the same sensor.

So I'd go to a busy parking lot with your 10mm socket. :p:

You should be able to use any RABS (rear ABS) sensor from any 91-01 Explorer. A lot of Rangers, Mazda trucks, etc. etc. use the same sensor.

So I'd go to a busy parking lot with your 10mm socket. :p:

LOL. i need a legal way ;) :D


Add to Cart + pay + Torrie ships = no part # needed. :cool:
