Neon Grill... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Neon Grill...


Elite Explorer
October 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Wilmington, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Mountaineer
I was not sure how this would looke but I think it came out pretty good...


  • neon grill 1.jpg
    neon grill 1.jpg
    10.9 KB · Views: 501

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i like it

Lookin good

Lookin' good!


Hartman, how are those shocks holding up? Like'em?

Holding up good so far....if they crap out I'm getting Edelbrocks.

no bilstiens?

if I had a lowered x, I would definitly stick with my bilsteins

hey, throw some flames in front of the neon, but behind the grill so that they are only visible when the light is on! thats what i would do, but i'm obsessed with flames

it wouldn't be like mine, but sort of in a cooler way.


  • grille.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 429

how much?

where do I getem?

where do you get what?

the flames...


i made them. i used mosquito netting and paint. theres a thread called "flamed billet grille" you would have to modify what i did to make it work right with the neon though. the flames would actually have to be a solid of some kind so the light wouldn't go through. they would also have to be small enough so that it wouldn't block air getting to your radiator. if you want to do it i'm sure you could find a way.


just another reason to install that shaker hood. Thanks Hartman, sounds like another trip to Lowes Hardware is in order.
