New 20" Wheels on the Mounty (Pics inside!) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New 20" Wheels on the Mounty (Pics inside!)

I just snapped a few pictures of the new wheels I put on my 03 Mounty. These are the 20" rims that come on the new Sport Trac Adrenalin. I found these on ebay as a new factory take off set. I am very happy with them, they totally change the look of the truck.




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Looks great!!! I'd love a set of those for my EB!

How much?

Those look awesome!

How much?

Those look awesome!

I picked up the whole set (wheels came with new tires) for $1700. I thought it was a pretty decent deal?

Those are factory wheels from the new Sport Track Adrenalin. Did u get them from the dealer?

No, I bought them on Ebay. Both wheels and tires were brand new, they were direct take offs from a Sport Trac

Those actually look pretty good. They're not to over the line and kind of look like some stock special edition.


when i saw "new 20" wheels on the mounty" i was thinking some tacky bling bling chrome rims, but WOW. those wheels look GREAT. they go with that truck PERFECTLY. GREAT JOB on those!

I like those wheels more every time I see them mounted up. Very nice!

when i saw "new 20" wheels on the mounty" i was thinking some tacky bling bling chrome rims, but WOW. those wheels look GREAT. they go with that truck PERFECTLY. GREAT JOB on those!

Thanks, I have been looking for a set of wheels for several years and have never found a set looks good. It wasnt until recently that I saw these on the Sport trac that I knew these were the ones!

Thanks, I have been looking for a set of wheels for several years and have never found a set looks good. It wasnt until recently that I saw these on the Sport trac that I knew these were the ones!

well, you get two thumbs up for picking those wheels, i can't believe how perfectly they match the look of the rest of the vehicle

Excellent upgrade.

Looks sharp. Nice upgrade. :thumbsup:
