New Map Update | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Map Update


Explorer Addict
February 18, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Mondovi, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
The new map update was just released this morning. I just started downloading it. It will be a while before I know what version it is.

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Around 25 minutes to download to my PC hard disk (C:\SyncMyRide). On my PC downloading directly to a USB thumb drive produced errors.
Vehilce update took about 35 minutes.

Around 25 minutes to download to my PC hard disk (C:\SyncMyRide). On my PC downloading directly to a USB thumb drive produced errors.
Vehilce update took about 35 minutes.
Did the vehicle have to be running?

Did the vehicle have to be running?
Yes the vehicle was running the entire time (35 minutes).

Started the update in my driveway. After starting the engine and waiting for a complete boot up of the screens I inserted the thumb drive into the USB plug in the center console. There was a 2-3 minute lag before I saw the update dialog box on the center tablet screen. I had to reply YES by pressing a button on the screen two times, about 2 minutes apart to start the update. Not sure why that happened since I didn't see that in the instructions.

From home I drove to the Delta Sonic car wash and then Tim Horton's drive thru for coffee. On the way home I received the message the update was completed. About a 12 miles round trip. The car wash was backed up so that added more time for the update to process. A few times during the drive the tablet screen blanked and displayed the EXPLORER/snow covered mountains logo. I did not touch the screen to select other functions during the update process and I had the radio off. Fortunately I didn't need the navigator to find my way home! 😁

Navigation Maps Version is NA 2.21

IMG_1087-a.jpg IMG_1090-a.jpg

Anyone see any issue with Travelink not working?? (like the last Update)

I used the navigator this morning and it worked well. It may be my imagination but the the navigation screens and buttons appeared more responsive with less lag. I did notice yellow construction icons on the map too.

I used the navigator this morning and it worked well. It may be my imagination but the the navigation screens and buttons appeared more responsive with less lag. I did notice yellow construction icons on the map too.
And you saw the the green traffic overlays on the roads?

Yes i see green traffic overlays on the roadways.

Updated the navigation software this morning. I had to download it on a PC, file does not see to be working on my MacBook Pro.
Inserted the flash drive on the 2020 Explorer all when well.

3 days since the map update and I'm pleased to report the navigation system is working very well.

3 days since the map update and I'm pleased to report the navigation system is working very well.
Do you notice any changes in the new software? Speed of route calculation, change in graphics, any new features?

Do you notice any changes in the new software? Speed of route calculation, change in graphics, any new features?
I haven't noticed any feature changes. Perhaps it's only an update for streets and POIs.

Updated the navigation software this morning. I had to download it on a PC, file does not see to be working on my MacBook Pro.
Inserted the flash drive on the 2020 Explorer all when well.
My biggest issue was finding a small enough USB. Once I located a 64Gb It worked fine with my MacBook Pro. I haven't noticed anything different. But last December when I activated the WIFI modem I noticed more map details.

I installed the map update and the install said it was successful. The Map version and Gracenote versions are correct. However, when trying to use NAV voice commands it tells me that this feature is currently unavailable and to complete the install. Could it be that these files were not downloaded from the web?

Any ideas?

I installed the map update and the install said it was successful. The Map version and Gracenote versions are correct. However, when trying to use NAV voice commands it tells me that this feature is currently unavailable and to complete the install. Could it be that these files were not downloaded from the web?

Any ideas?
I tried the NAV voice commands a few minutes ago and they are working fine. Perhaps try the update again?

I did my map update on September 15th using a 16GB USB 3.0 SanDisk Ultra drive. I downloaded and extracted the files using my PC hard drive, then copied everything to the 16GB drive.

IMG_1165(1).JPG IMG_1163(1).JPG

I tried the NAV voice commands a few minutes ago and they are working fine. Perhaps try the update again?

I did my map update on September 15th using a 16GB USB 3.0 SanDisk Ultra drive. I downloaded and extracted the files using my PC hard drive, then copied everything to the 16GB drive.

View attachment 435366 View attachment 435368

I did reinstall the update and still had the problem. So I took a chance and called Customer Care. They told me to get in the Ex, open the door then lock it and close it. Wait 2 minutes and then start the Ex and do a soft reset and believe it or not that fixed it. Apparently, they have had a few calls about no NAV Voice Commands after the update.

Problem Solved!

I did reinstall the update and still had the problem. So I took a chance and called Customer Care. They told me to get in the Ex, open the door then lock it and close it. Wait 2 minutes and then start the Ex and do a soft reset and believe it or not that fixed it. Apparently, they have had a few calls about no NAV Voice Commands after the update.

Problem Solved!

There are always problems with that. It’s either pulling the stick early (that’s why I had added that error message) or the new image not mounting on the reboot. The cold boot can fix it like you saw, or sometimes it needs a master reset. Usually it’s the early removal though.

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The Search, Home and Work destination buttons at the top of the Navigation screen were missing on the drive to and from our destination yesterday and the day before.

I've performed the most recent MAP update and the SYNC3 updates about a week ago and verified they were successful installed.
Here's a screen snip I found online to illustrate what I remember the nav screen looking like before the updates.
Now I only have the MENU button visible which allows me to set destinations.

Anyone else notice this after performing the most recent nav and syn3 updates?

