New Member - Hello! / Specs on my Rig / Resources for researching lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Member - Hello! / Specs on my Rig / Resources for researching lift

January 4, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
San Francisco, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT

I am brand new to this forum, in fact I found it about 10 minutes ago but I can tell I found a great resource and you can expect to see me around the boards here!

Here are the specs on my Explorer:

1999 XLT V6 4.0

just redid the electronic components:
Pioneer AVH-P4200DVD unit with bypass
integrated ipod cable/controls
Kicker 6"x8" front and rear speakers
Viper 350 alarm with radar and glass break sensor
Escort Passport 8500 X50 radar detector
Garmin Nuvi 1390LMT navigation

Everything else is stock on the truck right now besides some nice, aggressive all terrain tires.

I drive in the snow a lot on high elevation mountain roads (I snowboard basically every weekend during the winter, and shoot my guns every weekend in the summer - hence my screen name). During the week the truck is primarily a city vehicle.

So here are my questions:

1. I want to get a 3" lift on my tuck. What are some resources you would recommend I look at to begin my research on it (I know absolutely nothing about it right now)?

2. I would also like to get some super bright headlights for driving at night in the mountains (no streetlights, freeway speeds, curvy roads and icy or wet conditions). Any suggestions (especially interested in DIY kits) would be much appreciated.

Again - really nice to meet you guys and I look forward to getting to know all of you.



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No worries mate.

Welcome to the site, glad to have you. There is such a wealth of infomation on here about anything and everything you can possibly do to your vehicle that it's probably going to be a bit overwhelming. My suggestion would be to browse the site and see what others have done, and use the search function up top to look things up. For the lighting, you can check out our lighting sub-forum or just browse the registry section to give yourself ideas after seeing what other guys have done with their trucks. For the lift, you'll probably want to go with a body lift, do some reading on that one, it's been done hundreds of times.

Let us know if you have anymore questions, most of us are happy to help.

Jason - thanks for the advice. After browsing for awhile last night I certainly felt overwhelmed. I know it comes down to just putting the time in to learn how the forum works and where the good information is. When I first joined it was the same way, now that place feels like home to me.

Do people on here refer to their Explorers as their "trucks?" I know I certainly do, just wanted to see if anyone else does or if it is an Explorer faux pas.

"Truck" works. That's usually how I refer to mine. You'll also see "rig", "X" and "Exploder" a lot.

By the way, feel free to shoot me a PM if you have a lot of questions regarding the bodylift. I've been there and done that, and I'll do my best to help.

"Truck" works. That's usually how I refer to mine. You'll also see "rig", "X" and "Exploder" a lot.

By the way, feel free to shoot me a PM if you have a lot of questions regarding the bodylift. I've been there and done that, and I'll do my best to help.

Thanks a lot Paraphoe. Is guess the real question would be if it is cost prohibitive or not? What is the range is cost for doing a 3-5" lift if I have someone else do it? I have tools, but I don't have any experience working on cars nor any way of getting the car up in the air that I can think of to dot he work myself.


I did a the TT and shackles awhile back. That will get you ~2 inches of lift and is pretty easy to do and cost around $100. About a year ago I did a 3 inch body lift. That was alot of work but there is a pretty good write up on how to do it. With the 5 inches of lift I have I run 33's.

For lighting you can get some aftermarket headlights with projectors built it. I just got some and love them. They light up the road alot better than the stock lights did. You can also get some 5-6 inch off road lights to mount on the bumper or roof rack.

I did a the TT and shackles awhile back. That will get you ~2 inches of lift and is pretty easy to do and cost around $100. About a year ago I did a 3 inch body lift. That was alot of work but there is a pretty good write up on how to do it. With the 5 inches of lift I have I run 33's.

For lighting you can get some aftermarket headlights with projectors built it. I just got some and love them. They light up the road alot better than the stock lights did. You can also get some 5-6 inch off road lights to mount on the bumper or roof rack.

Yeah I have gotten that suggestion from a number of people for the Lift. I think I would rather do that and put in some time working on it vs shelling out 2k to get the other lift package bought and installed. Regarding the lights - what are you running?



