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new mod!


Well-Known Member
July 14, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island , NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer Eddie Bauer
finally got a new mod..was getting anxious b/c its been like 2 or 3 wks since i've done something to the truck
so here are some pics



for those who can't notice it..i got clear corners

I'll probably take better pictures later today

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I thought for a second you had armor-alled your tires. I was like "good mod"

Seriously, they look good - need chrome bulbs in there.

looks clean and i like the corners... nice job:thumbsup:

I thought for a second you had armor-alled your tires. I was like "good mod"

Seriously, they look good - need chrome bulbs in there.
I have the silverstar bulbs in there. I really like them but yeah chrome bulbs are a must.

looks clean and i like the corners... nice job:thumbsup:

Thanks bro..i baby this truck soo much..use spray wax everyday in the morning, wash it 2x a week and wax once a week, shes always clean:confused:

WOW! Thats a lot of detailing. How do you have the patience for that? Anyway, it really shows in how clean the truck looks, and the clear corners add to the look.

On another note, in the first pic the ford emblem in the grill appears silver, i couldnt resist suggesting you should actually do this, maybe gold/tan to match the trim. I think that would be a good little mod for you to do next.

Great addition to a fine looking truck.
Thanks alot! Really do appreciated

WOW! Thats a lot of detailing. How do you have the patience for that? Anyway, it really shows in how clean the truck looks, and the clear corners add to the look.

On another note, in the first pic the ford emblem in the grill appears silver, i couldnt resist suggesting you should actually do this, maybe gold/tan to match the trim. I think that would be a good little mod for you to do next.
Yup lol I detail cars so i'm just use to seen cars clean...i can't stand seein a dirty car. I just start thinkin of all i could do to make it look like new:confused:
At first it was a pain to do..i actually wake up 15mins early so before leaving to school i can spray wax it. Now it more of a routine. Thanks for the comments, i really do appreciate them. Its nice to have others notice how well you take care of your car.

And about the front know something..i kinda like the idea!
I actually just finished paintin the windshield squirters (if that's what its called) the same color as the truck. Couldn't stand lookin at those 2 black things on the hood and so i got the idea of tryin to make the But i actually like how that looks. Might get some spray touch up paint similar to the grills color and spray the blue part that color.
Again thanks for the idea..i'll give it a shot

Also going to make a thread to show off the cleanest pics you have of your trucks..i'll put a link here when i'm done


WOW!..thats a freken sharp looking truck great the clear corners look sick.

Try searching around for how to do it, i think i read somewhere that you have to take the emblem off and scratch the blue off from behind.

WOW!..thats a freken sharp looking truck great the clear corners look sick.
lol thanks alot bro!
Yeah i love how they look..kinda makes it look like a 1-piece headlight
Try searching around for how to do it, i think i read somewhere that you have to take the emblem off and scratch the blue off from behind.
:biggthump thanks!!!!
i'm going to give it a try tomorrow. I have an extra emblem so if i mess it up it won't matter:confused:

looks bad ass man keep up the good work with ur x
