New Shoes - Goodyear Wrangler Duratracs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Shoes - Goodyear Wrangler Duratracs


Go big or go home
Elite Explorer
July 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Willow Grove, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
After over 3 years running Kumho muds, I finally made a switch to Goodyear Wrangler Duratracs. Stayed the same size, 33x12.50x15. I was looking to move from muds to ATs. These are classed as ATs, but they're closer to a mud, in my opinion. Love the look of them, and haven't heard a bad thing from anyone who has run them. Toyota guys in particular seem to LOVE the damn things, and give them very high marks for driving in the snow. With the winter bearing down on us north east guys, I'll get to test this claim soon enough.

I really dig the look so far, time will tell how they perform. Here's a couple of crummy night pictures until I can get some daylight shots.

EDIT: Better photos added.






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I wonder if they are as good, better, or woese than the old school MTR's?

They look good though.

Those look pretty nice. Interesting pattern. They look like an extreme A/T. Side wall lugs like a crawler type, lugs like a M/T, and center tread like an A/T.

Keep us posted on them please! :)

Will definitely let you know how I like them. I only know of one other guy who runs these, RaveDigger, and he hasn't had anything negative to say.

After over 3 years running Kumho muds, I finally made a switch to Goodyear Wrangler Duratracs. Stayed the same size, 33x12.50x15. I was looking to move from muds to ATs. These are classed as ATs, but they're closer to a mud, in my opinion. Love the look of them, and haven't heard a bad thing from anyone who has run them. Toyota guys in particular seem to LOVE the damn things, and give them very high marks for driving in the snow. With the winter bearing down on us north east guys, I'll get to test this claim soon enough.

I really dig the look so far, time will tell how they perform. Here's a couple of crummy night pictures until I can get some daylight shots.



you should have gotten them mounted with the white lettering out its a better look when you have black rims

They seem to be a M/T, with a little more tread area, and the wavy sipes on the lugs for some wet/snow traction over a smooth M/T.

Based on looks, I'd say they are an excellent choice for lifted rigs to have an "extreme" looking M/T-type tire, but with better useability in the wet and snow that M/T's don't usually have.

Some extreme testing in the parking lots and off-road during the snow should tell all.

How are they on road noise?

I've driven them a total of about 3 miles so far. They seem to be quieter than my Kumho's, but those things SCREAMED at any speed over 30 MPH. Will have more info when I get more miles on them.

Gman - PM me a price.

I just got The exact same tires installed 2 days ago, iv just got 100km's on them.
They costed 1100 for 33x12.5r15.
i got them because winter is here and my Bf Mt's were horrible on the ice.
I find they ride wayyy smoother then then bf's and are about half as quiet, they hook up good in the winter conditions also!
good choice of tire, they look great ill have to post some pics of my truck with the new tires

Photos updated. LOVE the looks of these things.

I run these tires too and I love them so far. It's hard to tell in this pic, but I have the white lettering facing out. I also use this truck to drive back and forth from MA to PA and their road manners are quite civilized. Looking good Paraphoe!



i just bought these same tires about 2 weeks ago for my ranger but havent had a chance to try them out (hasnt snowed). i know already they can be a little hairy on ice, but the ranger its a lot lighter in the back (that and a SOHC is plenty for that type of truck). what worries me is how fast will they wear when it gets hot in the summer time.

Hey Paraphoe, it looks like yours fit without any fender trimming up front. I was under the impression that you and I had a similar setup of 3" body lift, TT and shackles. I had to trim close to two inches off my fender to fit these bad boys. What gives?

I run the 31x10.50 size and love them. Not a bad thing to say about them and have had them for 6K miles

Hey Paraphoe, it looks like yours fit without any fender trimming up front. I was under the impression that you and I had a similar setup of 3" body lift, TT and shackles. I had to trim close to two inches off my fender to fit these bad boys. What gives?

I trimmed the rear part of the fender when I put the Kumhos on. Maybe not 2 inches, but I took off about an inch:

Wow you did a much cleaner job with yours than I did with mine, it didn't look like yours were trimmed at all from what I could see.

Buddy o' mine is running that tire in the same size on his Yeep, absolutely loves them. He also believes they "run" a little shorter but wider than actually being 33x12.5

Just an update here - we got about 18 inches of snow last night, and at 3 am I went out to have some fun and tackle some unplowed parking lots, drifts, and streets. Unbelieveable what I went through and kept going. I was basically TRYING to get the truck stuck, and couldn't. I was hitting walls of snow so high that my grill and headlights were getting jammed up with snow. I thought to myself going in that I wasn't going to make it multiple times, and every time the truck powered through.

Bottom line is that these tires are 5 star in the snow. Unbelieveable performance. :thumbsup:

Very cool- and they perform! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Powering through snow is one thing...but what about BRAKING performance?

If it can stop predictably in deep snow and in the wet slushy stuff on pavement, THEN it might be a 5 star tire.
