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New speakers for my 06

So far I've only bought the amp...haha. It's the Eclipse EA4200, got it $105 shipped on eBay. I'm about to buy the speakers at $60 per pair, then next I decide on what HU and of course I need to pick up the stuff to put it all together.

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cool, well if you need any help hit me up man. i'll make a youtube vid for you if you need any questions answered. sometimes words just dont cut it.

Thanks so much man! You've been so helpful and easy on me for being a noob and I appreciate it.

no sweat man. i might make an amp installation vid just for fun some time tonight. if i do i will post a link here for you.

yes that looks good. good price too. i made a video for you but i just realised i left some stuff out of it so im going to make another one once the battery charges for my camera

i dont know anything about eclipse products to be honest. its looks nice. it has rca's for your amp(s). it does not have a rca for a sub, which is not a huge problem. you can connect a second amp off the first one. the only down side is you wont have a seperate volume control for the subwoofer on the head unit. but, you can get a volume control knob for the second amp if you end up getting a sub.

I went ahead and bought the Sony. And the amp wiring kit, and RCAs. And I bought a crimping set with some other tools for the install. Hope it all goes as planned!

I got the speakers yesterday, they look nice. I'm supposed to get the HU and wiring next monday or tuesday. Not sure about the amp, but it should be here soon. I'm planning to install it all next weekend and I'll make sure to get pictures of the install.

doesnt sound like you need this but here it is just incase

Thanks so much for the video! It did help. I didn't even think about the fact that I wouldn't be using some of the wires on the harness because I was connecting the speakers through the amp first. I appreciate it. I think I have all the info I need now to do the install without a problem.

did you get all your gear yet?

Nope...still waiting on the HU, amp, and amp wiring. Should have it all by tomorrow, but I won't get it installed until the weekend most likely.

Got the amp today, I think it is beautiful...and got some pictures of what I have so far...







it all looks so nice when its just out of the box

I know! I hope it looks alright inside the car. I got the HU today, looks nice, better than I expected. Can't wait to get it all installed!

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great equipment, looks to pretty to even put some some fingerprints on it, if i didn´t need the cargo space and to recline my seats so often, i would love something like those.
