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new to offroading in a explorer

"Lunchbox lockers" is more of a slang term...all it means is that you can install one in a open differential without setting up the gears again which saves you money. With any other kind of locker it will replace the existing differential you have whether it is a limited slip or open differential. When a locker is engaged, both axleshafts are "locked" together giving you full traction in any situation. Whereas an open diff or even a limited
slip will send power to the tire with the least traction, example: You are off roading in some rutted area and one of your rear tires lifts off the ground, guess which one gets the power...the tire in the air which is now just spinning...not good. Limited slip is only marginally better pretty much on the street but off roading, its gonna do the same thing. There are different kinds of limited slips giving you a little better traction but they cost as much as a lunchbox type locker so I wouldnt even bother.

Places like Randy's ring and pinion specialize in lockers, gears and differentials
or try 4 wheel parts or just pick up an off road mag, there's plenty of places to choose around.

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do i need a that i have limit slip rear end

oh ok i will look in on getting one

depends on how serious you get with your off roading, you'll never be dissapointed you got one though. I wish I had gotten one from the begining instead of last. :confused:

Powertrax seems to be the most popular and dependable of the "lunchbox" type lockers.

There is a huge difference between a l/s carrier and a locker. I'd go for the locker. BTW, the Powertrax No-Slip part # you need for your truck is 92-0688-3128. From Central 4WD, they cost $409 each

2ndexp your an idiot you said if you had the money you would have an fj40 and you were refering to it as an offroad machine its a nice rig but its not a machine have you ever driven one offroad? most of them are all chevy parts anyway. and another thing you keep talking about rolling an explorer when your 4x4'ing take a poll and you'll see just how many have rolled there ex's. not that many i dont know what your deal is but your dumb.

2ndLifeExploder said:
yes that websites opinion may be biased but this forum is equaly biased. im just trying to even it out a little bit. not be like everyone else who thinks their explorer is the greatest off road vehicle produced. if i could afford it i would have an fj40 land cruiser or an fj45 short bed land cruiser pickup. but i cant and i have my ex. so im going to make the most of it. im not a big fan of taking my car to the mechanic so i came to this forum as a refference to make my life a little easier. i might not know everythinng about exploreres but i have an unbiased opinion towards them.
hmmm i dont see anywhere in here where i call the fj40 an off road machine. my dad has an fj45 long bed pickup and yeah it has chevy parts. but with any off road vehicle i get that i plan to take off road i would modify it. if that meant using chevy parts then whoopty doo. who cares who makes the parts. if they do the job then use them. and even if i were going completely stock i would prefer an austrailian land cruiser over any gen explorer for off road purposes any day. the explorer couldnt compare. i take it no one read the other link i posted or you did and found out i was right and didnt want to admit it so you ignore the evidence. either way i really dont care.

oh and my mom doesnt have a mini van. she has a 2003 chevy tahoe 4x4. as a matter of fact all of the vehicles in our drive way are 4x4's with the exception of my dads company truck wich is a 2 wheel drive expedition. the explorer is under my name, i pay insurance and am the primary driver. just for the record.

2ndLifeExploder said:
...and even if i were going completely stock i would prefer an austrailian land cruiser over any gen explorer for off road purposes any day. the explorer couldnt compare.

Have you ever wheeled, heck, even ridden in a "australian land cruiser"? Have you ever wheeled in a explorer? (cause it sounds like you too scared of the thing to take it out of your driveway) If not then I would recomend keeping you're mouth shut!

Also this board is for "Ford Explorer Enthusiasts" (on the top of every page) If you're not an Explorer Enthusiast (and you're obviously not) then why don't you get out of here. Yes, all of us on this board are Biased towards Ford and the Explorer. Thats why were here. If you don't like it, or can't at least pretend that you like it, you have no point in being here. Trying to argue against the Ford Explorer here is like trying to start a fire in the middle of a lake, it's just pointless. So please do us all a favor and get your stupid sassy mouth out of here before we start a petition to get a moderator to ban you from the board.

yes i have wheeled in my explorer and in a land cruiser and the reason i say austrailian land cruiser is because it is one of the few off road vehicles that comes with lockers from the factory. im sry that i got flamed for posting my opinion. and like i said the reason i came to this forum was for explorer specific questions. mainly little things. i posted my opinion on something and it turned into a flame war. so sorry for defending myself.

You got flamed because you're a moron who doesn't have the slightest clue what he's talking about! :fire:

ok well your a moron so go to hell. there. you expressed your opinion and i expressed mine.

I've got an idea for ya:

Why don't go to one of your ford-hater boards (you seem to have plenty of them) and cry to them about how you got flamed for trying to diss the explorer on an Explorer Enthusiast board. Maybe they'll be more sympathetic to your loser cause!!!!! :D

2ndLifeExploder said:
first off dont get a body lift. if you gonna do something do it right. secondly before you get anything to make your truck faster or higher up (wich will make it more top heavy and more likely to roll) put in a roll cage or at least a roll bar. Explorers are not the safest vehicles our there. They have a tendency to roll and their structural integrity is not the greatest. I think the best mod to get would be a welder. get good with it and it will save you alot of money. then you can make your own skid plates, tube bumpers, guards, and roll bars or cage. also when it comes time to do suspension all you need to get is your shocks and springs....wheter it be coilovers or what not and you can make your own brackets and what not. get bigger tires when yours wear out. then when you get better and you want to invest more into it get lockers and diffs and a solid front axle if you want to crawl over stuff, and all the other off roading goddies.
Little boy, you have no clue what your talking about :confused: . You sound like you need a rollbar on your bigwheel. He came here for advice from EXPERIENCED OFFROADERS who know Explorers (and you are obviously are neither), not somebody who couldn't beat an aluminum softball bat in a written IQ test.
95offroadx A lift from coil spacers, shackels and or AAL + 2" body lift a locker and 32" tires would make a very capable offroad vehicle.
PS I've been on many offroad outings with large groups of explorers on hardcore trails, and i have seen 10 times as many rolled over jeeps as explorers. Our roofs don't colapse either.

2ndLifeExploder said:
ok well your a moron
Well that was real original can't think for yourself. Man some people aren't even smart enough to know how dum they are.

I agree that with just 2" lift and 31" tires you will do quite alot. If your not too terribly concerned with body damage you'll be able to do more than you ever thought it would, maybe not hardcore rock crawling and the like...but a hell of a lot more than you thought! I'm going to assume though that you don't want to screw the body too much though. I would start out with a 2" lift, be that spacers/aal (what i have and it works great) or a full skyjacker 2" lift. Then I would look to traction aids, deffinitly get a locker for the rear, i'm going to get one for the front also. Last time I was out I had afew little problems getting up loose hills with my ls, which has long since crapped out on me. After you break your auto hubs, it's only a matter of time, you will want to upgrade to a set of WARN manual hubs. With these mods you will be able to add on to your rig without haveing to start over, the d35 can handel up to 35" tires, and with d44 outers you can run bigger. I know that's not your goal right now, but after it's lifted for a week or two you'll be planning you next lift LOL.

Good luck and don't pay much attention to all the fighting :D

I love this thread. I liked the comment about the baseball bat and the IQ test ASPENX, that made me smile. In the meantime, 2ndlifeexplorer, stick around, I love the humour. GO THE X ENTHUSIASTS :)

If I was as stupid as 2ndlifeexplorer I'd spend several thousand bucks on one of the best 4x4's on the road - not drive it anywhere, read all the bad press about it and then tell as many people as I could that I dont want what I bought and would rather have something completely different anyway.

But I claim to be smarter than the average baseball bat (aluminium or wooden) and therefore, love the well engineered X that I own. I love it on the road, its one of the most comfotable road cars, I've driven and I love it off the road, a very very capable machine.

Please keep this thread going, it makes me smile every morning when I come to work!!

Please dont petition to ban 2ndlifeexplorer - he is such and idiot, its funny.

Have a great eXplorer day.

JasonH this is not normally the type of thing that goes on with this board. And 95% of us like it that way. You want to read arguments over stupid things, go over to Pirate4x4. There is no reason for this to resort to name calling, from either side. If you can't argue with valid points, then the debate is over.

Mbrooks420 said:
go over to Pirate4x4

Or FXN because they are a bunch of idiots too

I understand, I read a lot of postings on various threads here and 99.999% is extremely useful - I have really learned a lot already from you guys. I didn't mean to speak out of turn, but just find it difficult to believe anyone dissing the X on and X enthusiasts page!

Next time, I'll keep quiet and just enjoy . . . :)

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