New To Us 2004 Mercury Mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New To Us 2004 Mercury Mountaineer


Well-Known Member
February 17, 2001
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Central Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer 4.6L
My bride of 48 years (yep, we are old boomers) and I just bought a new to us 2004 4.6L Mercury Mountaineer, loaded, with all the bells and whistles.

It has 79K on it and the previous owners kept records of all the work and maintenance done on it since it was purchased new at a Ford dealership. It has been under Ford's extended warranty until recently.

We currently own a 1996 Limited Edition Explorer with the 5.0L engine, so we are not new to the Explorer/Mountaineer community. We have 180K miles on it without any problems other than perishable items such as tires, brakes, water-pumps, hoses, ect...the valve covers have never even been off the engine. Our good luck with this vehicle is why we bought the V-8 Mountaineer.

I want to have my Ford Senior Master mechanic to go over the vehicle thoroughly and replace all fluids or anything else that needs replacing.

We are a Ford family and currently own a 2002 F-250 Powerstroke with the tried and proven 7.3L engine. We tend to keep our vehicle forever and keep them in top shape.

So, what fluids would you use and are there any pitfalls to this particular engine, transmission or other areas that might need proactive attention? I like Mobile 1 products, along with Royal Purple products. I use Rotella oil in my diesel.

The previous owner has used Ford dealership oil, changed on schedule to preserve the warranty. Thanks in advance.


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pretty sure drivetrain oil calls for synthetic.

I own 2nd gen explorer, love the truck no problems. So I bought a 3rd gen thinking it would be better than the 2nd gen, so I bought a 2003; wow what a head ache. I have had every problem ever posted in the stickys. I also bought a 4th gen that is awsome, ford seemed to fix all the problems from the 3rd gen.

The V8 Explorer's use 5W20 semi synthetic blend and mercon V for the transmission. Actually all of Ford's oils are now a synthetic blend. It is 50-50 breakdown. I have a 05 and have had no major prblems. I would like a to get a newer one like 09-10 but I know they a had a problem and you had to replace a pulley kit on the 3 Valve 4.6 which was 300.00-400.00 dollars.

I dont know anything about the type of fluids, but I would recommend doing a couple things right away- just to keep you in top shape... PCM flash! Its $90 at my ford dealer, and on another ford they did it for free cause it already had the most recent upgrade. Tranny flush and filter (did one at 100/150). Im at 191k on my 03 with orig engine and tranny. I have used Ford oil changes only (no special synthetic or anything extra). 4wd flush at 100/150k. If your in a snow/salt belt- rust... you will get it in one particular spot- almost guaranteed. Rear pass side wheel well. Happened (kinda nasty too) on my 03 explorer, just started on the aviator and my buddy has an 04 Mounty and has a hole. ALL in the same spot. something to do with the drainage on that side. nothing on the left side! keep an eye, well- an ear out for wheel bearings. in addition, the transfer case bearing pinions. mine has that high pitched noise at highway speeds but ive never fixed it because ford said its not effecting anything other than my ears :) Good luck and welcome!
