New Years' Resolutions Anyone? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Years' Resolutions Anyone?

Hey Rhainy, Your comment made me smile. My girlfriend is Italian and the holiday dinners are amazing. I've never seen so much food. All VERY good as well!

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Can't wait to hear about the pizza crust. Is that a deep dish or NY style? Of course, that's part of the reason that I need to loose the body fat and inches from the waist.

My wife and I are both thin crust fans. I made one out of whole wheat flower last time and it was awsome!

Hey Rhainy, Your comment made me smile. My girlfriend is Italian and the holiday dinners are amazing. I've never seen so much food. All VERY good as well!

Jeff glad I could bring a smile...I love good food...and you can tell by my pics! ;)


You bet you can! I have extremely advanced/severe spinal and facet arthritis, along with degen disk and spinal stenosis.

For those that don't know what the stenosis is, it is basically where the area in the spine, that has the nerves passing out into the rest of the body narrows. It basically cuts into the nerves, causing even more pain. Not a nice thing...believe me. They diagnosed me about 10 years ago, with the promise that I would be in a wheelchair within 5-8 years. I basically told the doc I would NOT be in a chair til after my son graduates...which is another 3 1/2 years. And for the record, it was NOT the power lifting that caused my back issues, it was a fall when I was 15 y/ sucks to get old! :p:
I thought that you might find this interesting:

Now that one I would take! Right on Brooklyn! :) I might have some problems with the carpets, but it's aaaall good! Maybe in another year or so, I'll be looking for that... :)

I'd trade my Ex... (I'm joking, I hope to 50 years away from one of those) But that makes me almost want to brake a leg just to try it out...

That sucker is AWESOME! I would definitely like to have one around my place for the outside expeditions!

That would be too cool! And if we get run over by a 4wheeler, we're already in the chair! No worries :)

Okay, I did the Mounty office chair, now I have another idea... :shifty_ey


My only resolution was to take care of myself- I'm borderline diabetic according to my doc. To this point, I'm still working out, eating a LOT better, and I'm down 18 lbs. since January 8th when I started the whole thing. :)

my new years resolution was to lose weight and it didnt happen i gained weight maybe in 09 i will try to lose weight

Sam, wrong attitude. It's March - year's not over buddy, AND there's still time to lose before summer. Re-vamp your diet, hit the gym, and the pounds will melt off. You've gotta want it, though.

Persian food, Sam?

Lord knows! I can't get enough of either :)

Well belly dancing, dirty dancing any kind of dancing is exercise....Sam, don't give up so easy...I haven't, and there are days I can barely walk...

Start small, make it a habit then add another small goal! It works...really!

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My new year resolution, get a second gen explorer and start modifying!

Also, what the heck is "*Proof* the dough"?
