Newbie/97XLT/ right rear seat latch has me stumped? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newbie/97XLT/ right rear seat latch has me stumped?


Active Member
August 7, 2004
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City, State
Bellinghm, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
Newbie/96XLT/ right rear seat latch has me stumped?

I kinda inherited my daughters XLT and cannot get the right rear seat to fold down. She & I managed to get it down once but can't make it happen again. She is in Europe now and I am not sure what or how she helped make it fold forward. I had to release/use the back tilt lever to help put it up.
I loosened all the floor bolts in case it was alignment, no help! It seems to be hanging onto something, but what? Could it still be in the release?
Any ideas suggestions appreciated.
The levers work fine and appears to be releasing but the seat seems to hang up on something. The small seat behind driver works great.


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Not to insult your intelligence, but did you check all under the seat to make sure nothing is blocking it from coming down? That's happened to me before...something small yet strong, like a screwdriver under the seat could be jamming it....
Good luck!!!

there is a hinged panel directly behind the seat that helps cover the seat back when the seat is down. pull this away from the seat and check behind to make sure there is nothing in there that would stop the seat from moving(jack handles are supposed to be there :) )

Yes, I have checked under the seat and behind the panel that flips. I even went down to the local Ford dealer's body shop and the guy that looked at it said I would need to stop by when this other person was there as he would know more about it, he could not figure it out. I just never seem to catch him there, been back 2 times. Thanks yw'all I'll keep trying. It has to be something simple or else in the release mechanism. I know it will come down cause my daughter and I managed to get it to fold down once, but no repeats?? :bounce:

was it hard to put down when your daughter was around(if not, maybe you arent doing it correctly)? maybe the mechanism is stuck.
Remeber the Golden Rule:
The only 2 tools you need are Duct Tape and WD40.
If it moves and it shouldnt, then use duct tape. If its supposed to move and wont, use WD40

WD40 is your friend in these situations

Yes it was difficult then also, we had a hard time at it, she said her boyfriend had told her it was hanging up on the seat belts stuff but I can't see where? I will keep at it and maybe get it figured out eventualy.

I stopped by the Ford shop again today and finally caught the guy in at the body shop. He didn't know much about the seat but we went to the parts department and got the parts sheet for the seat. The problem turns out to be with a pair of "Cables" that run up through the seat back and hook onto a latch mechanism down inside the hinge cover. The one opposite the release handle doesn't pull the cable enough to release the latch. If I get hold of the cable and pull on it while someone works the lever then we can get the seat to release and fold forward. I messed with it until I got flusterated and cannot figure out to adjust the cable to tighten it up. There is another detent for the end of the cable on both of the round thing that the cable stops go into, but I cannot access them without removing all the hinges,seat, etc. SO! maybe I will just leave it alone for now unless someone knows how to make the adjustment w/o disassemble of the seat. Thanks, Gary :chug:

anybody know how to adjust the cable lever

Has anyone ever tried to adjust the levers to make them work when they do not disengage the seats?? I can't seem to find any way :banghead: any help would be appreciated.

bump! still looking for help.

Still poking away for a fix. I looked at the parts sheet and it says the latch service is in the back frame assy, refer to group in soft trim section. I have the large service suplement and the electrical and vaccum suplement but not the soft section. They must have a section for each component.
Has anyone ever had to remove the cover from the seat, if so what is the process?


I have the same problem with my '95 EB. The larger part of the 60/40 seat does not fold by pressing the latch. I'm not attempting to fix (PITA) but I use pliers to fold it. I assume 97 xlt would have the same setup. Here's what I do:

1. Fold the smaller seat
2. Press the latch of the larger seat and pull that side of the seat forward (make sure it doesn't snap back.
3. Move to the side of the seat that doesn't unlatch and find the (bum) cable. It's going to be right by the hinge of the seat right above where it locks.
4. Take a piece of sturdy wire and loop it around the cable
5. Pull the loop and unlatch the seat

I know it's a ghetto fix, but if you don't have to fold the seat often it gets you by. Let me know if you were able to do it. I can post pics if you can't find the location of the cable.

Hey, great minds thin alike, I was thinking of doing the same think if I can't figure out how to tighten it up. There is a 2nd detent spot of the little roller wheel down inside the cover, but I think it would require seat removal and I don't know if there is enough slack to get to the detent.
If I read the notes correctly on the parts sheet, there should be (?) sometthing to "service" in the back frame. I was thinking about going back to the Ford dealership and ask to see the soft trim book and take a look.
I don't know why 97 sticks in my mind but the vehilce is a 96 and yes they are the same. I ran into a friend yesterday and his rig is a 95 and is the same.
Thanks for the reply.

Can't take the credit for it, the previous owner told me how to do it. If you find a fairly easy/inexpensive fix, let me know. I'll be glad to put pliers away!
