Newbie from Virginia (northern part) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newbie from Virginia (northern part)


New Member
January 12, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Fairfax, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 xlt
Hey Everyone,
I've had ford rangers since 83, and now that I have my first kid, i was forced to go with something a bit more practical. At least that's what I tell my wife. The real reason is that I play paintball, and I'm tired of having to lug my gear in and out of the bed every time i leave the parking lot, so the kids don't rob me blind.

I'm relatively new to vehicle maintenance, since I've been in apartments for the last 12 years, and haven't had anyplace to do any work on them. Now that I have a garage, and a new to me (99 explorer) vehicle, I'd like to start working on my own vehicle, with the small stuff.

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I myself was born over in Norfolk, VA. You're gonna find everything under the tree about the Explorer, from the first ones to the recent ones... Never be afraid to ask (after searching first) anything, everyone here is to help.

...welcome here...there is al kinds of stuff to read so take your time and enjoy...:D


Hey welcome!! Explorer Meet & Greet tomorrow aafternoon up near Baltimore if you can make it!! Link is down in my sig.

Welcome to Explorer Forum!
