newbie question and need some advice | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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newbie question and need some advice


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January 8, 2012
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1992 explorer sport
Hey everyone I'm compltly n ew at explorers hense my question. I just recently bought a 92 sport 4.0 5 spd. With 320.000km my question is can I swap in a motor,auto tranny, from say a 98 ranger? I want a auto and I want to get a motor rebuilt. Problem is I need to drive this thing while having a motor built. Just need to know what would I need to do this swap? New computer, harness,gauges, etc etc. Any help would be greatly apreicated


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the swap can be done but it is not very practical. you have a m50d model transmission and the 98 has a 5r55e transmission. You would need an A4LD or a C4 to make the swap easier. (not that it is all that easy)

Ok well I guess I could source a motor and auto from a 92 would that make this swap almost bolt in?

Ok well I guess I could source a motor and auto from a 92 would that make this swap almost bolt in?

Yes but unless you want to rebuild the A4LD every so often, stick with the 5 speed.... look up A4LD rebuild, and see how many times folks have rebuilt them even after a short period of time.

The biggest issue the 5 speed ever had was the slave cylinder, which if you buy a new one from ford vs an auto parts store you're good to go.

Your truck has roughly 198k miles(I googled the conversion from above km you listed), unless it's just riddled with issues there's no need to panic. A good tune up will help a lot of it. I like motorcraft plug wires and spark plugs, I have them in mine and have about 14k miles since I installed them last Feb.

I bought my truck with 194650 mi. = 313258.809 km, I now have 208828 mi. = 336076.088 km and she still running strong.

All I have replaced since I purchased my truck in Dec 2010:
Water pump 12/2010- car lot changed due to leaking, my cost $0
serpentine belt 12/2010- just because it looked old, my cost $25
changed trans fluid 12/2010- didn't know how old it was and glad I did (it was burnt), my cost $20
heater core 12/2010- temp gauge fluctuated real bad and no heat, my cost $23
radiator 02/2011- leaking, my cost $140
spark plugs and wires 02/2011- had a misfire and crappy gas mileage, my cost $80 ($50 for motorcraft wires, $30 for motorcraft plugs both from advance autoparts)
flowmaster muffler 02/2011 got it off of craigslist from a J**p guy that included 6ft of 2.5" pipe, my cost $20
Limited bumper 04/2011 from a guy parting one out $60 included some after market taillights
temp sender for gauge 08/2011 $6
clutch 09/2011 ebay $75 shipped
motorcraft slave cylinder 09/2011 from a vendor on here $140 shipped
installed clutch myself at a self service shop on military base $150(2 day job)
changed trans fluid again 09/2011 my cost $20
changed rear end oil 09/2011 my cost $30
battery 09/2011 $100
fenderwell solenoid 09/2011 $10
trans mount 10/2011 $20
thermostat 10/2011 $10
u-joints 11/2011 $18

I'm with cribb, the A4LD auto tranny for the first gens is problematic, to say the least. Mine has almost 300k miles on it, but that is by far the exception, as they tend to overheat and explode for just about everyone else. I know that driving a manual isn't second nature at first; but my wife has a 6 speed jeep and neither of us even notice the difference between driving it and my auto tranny'd explorer. Shifting seems to have become sub-conscious for both of us.

thx guys for the imput I also drive a 6 speed jeep but im getting rid of it. ive been driving stick all my life so thats not the problem i just like the convenice of the auto. but with what everyone says maybe ill stick with the 5 speed. the only major concern with the explorer is its idleing problems. ie: at start up it rev around 2k till its warmed up and then sometimes when idle it will rev to 1700 then drop down to normal then back up to 1700 then down then up and down so on so on any idea's what could be causeing this or is this normal?

thx guys for the imput I also drive a 6 speed jeep but im getting rid of it. ive been driving stick all my life so thats not the problem i just like the convenice of the auto. but with what everyone says maybe ill stick with the 5 speed. the only major concern with the explorer is its idleing problems. ie: at start up it rev around 2k till its warmed up and then sometimes when idle it will rev to 1700 then drop down to normal then back up to 1700 then down then up and down so on so on any idea's what could be causeing this or is this normal?

Well this is a very common thing on here... sounds like the idle air control valve is either dirty or in need of replacement (there's threads in here on how to clean it as well as replace it), or the throttle position sensor needs adjustment or replacement (again that's covered in the threads as well).

I've yet to have these problems (knock on wood), but I can tell you the X shouldn't idle at more than 650-700rpms warm and right around 1000rpms cold. I wish I had the links handy but I don't so you'll have to search.
