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Newbie question

Poboys 99

July 6, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer 5.0 AWD
Hello this is my first post and just purchased a 99 XLT 5.0 AWD and giving my Mustang 5.0 a much needed rest. I know a lot of peeps like to scavange the Explorer intake and use on Stangs because the are similar to the Cobra intake, but I was wondering what other similarities the truck engine has with the Stangs? Are they both roller blocks, does the Exp. engine have the GT-40 heads, and how do the Exp. engines respond to mods like CAIs, and cat back duals? I can't seem to leave well enough alone and always looking to improve performanceLOL :D Thanks in advance, looking forward to stopping in here, looks like a great place :thumbsup: Oh and how do set up an avatar!

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Welcome to the forums. I'm another Mustang/Explorer...the Explorer is the daily driver obviously.

Back to your question. Yes the Explorer has the GT40 heads, I believe from 98-on they are the P style. I could be wrong on that year though.

Thank you. One of the first things I would like to do to the Explorer is the same thing I did to the stang and help it breath a little better, K&N drop in filter, or homemade CAI, and single in dual out exhaust. Everything I've ever owned has had dual exhaust. Now the headers... that's a different animal on these trucks, what a set up! I might leave the factory manifolds on this puppy, the only company that makes them wants 689.00 for the set, Torque masters I think they're callad. I changed the front hub bearing today, there was a nice write up on this forum about replacing them that was helpful :thumbsup:

You may not want to open the exhaust up too much. I'm far from an expert on it, but I've read on here that an exhaust that flows too freely actually hurts performance... something about the way the computer is programmed I think. Anyway, the hot set up seems to be Torque Monster headers with a good dual in / single out muffler. Search around a bit.

Yes if you go too big on the exhaust you can kill some low end torque, I plan on the dual in single out, with a custom y section at the end of the tail for 2 tips or a Harley truck style tip. I wish the headers weren't such a fugly design. Torque masters= too much$ for me now, however a possibility in the future. My stang has AFR 165 heads steeda cam and Performer intake, I plan on stroking it to 347 with 185 heads, I wonder if the 165s with 1:7 roller rockers would work with the Explorer PCM anybody know?

welcoem aboard
