No reverse on my 5R55E transmission. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No reverse on my 5R55E transmission.


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May 11, 2010
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2001 ranger
2001 ford ranger 4+4 4.0l with 5r55e tranny haveing a issue with revers i have done all the tsbs from ford with the seperator plate and vale but tranny still has a issue with revers if you put it revers it whont go in so you keep taping the gas and you get a small klunk but not enough to move the truck and then bang it gos in sometimes please help

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Welcome to this forum! I've renamed your thread, and moved it into the transmissions section. Do you have manual 1st gear? Did you check the low/reverse band & servo?

thank you for your reply! yes i have 1st gear manual and when i put the new seperator plate in i put new orings on the reverse servo and new gasget but did not check the rev band could you tell me how? i did adj the bands on the out side of tranny all forward gear work fine just rev is baning and some times wont even go in all the way or at all i was tould could be a psi issue but need to know where to check that and what psi to look for any help would be greatly appresheated thank you

Insert a phillips screwdriver into the low/reverse servo bore, and see if the band has spring action. Check the tip of the low/reverse servo for chips. Did you use a 1/4" drive In/Lb torque wrench on the valve body bolts?

2001 Explorer Sport Trac

I've been having the same problem. I've changed out the entire VB (complete with new solenoids). I've done the Ford TSB's. I have some sonnex upgrades. New valvebody gasket. Borg Warner EPC. New Reverse servo piston with "D" rings. I've checked to see if the reverse band is there (it is, and it's springy). I have manual 1st, and 2nd (also engine braking). I can also move it to Drive once the truck is actually moving, but once I come to a stop I have to manually shift to 1st and second. I've checked the transfer case moves in both directions. I have the new 4wd module. Fluid is new/good. I disconnected the driveshaft and it was rotating once I put it into reverse. New diff, new diff sensor. The OD light is blinking. I'm totally lost. HELP! (sorry to piggyback on this thread)

A big thanks to anyone that can help.

I heard something about a software update for the PCM. Anyone have any info?
