No start, turn off key, try again, start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No start, turn off key, try again, start


July 19, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Springfield, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer V8 AWD
Just had this happen on a 1998 V8 AWD. Turned key to start, cranked for 10 seconds without starting, turned key off, tried again, and it started as normal. Check engine light is off. What might this be? Thanks.

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Weak fuel pump I bet

fuel pump? try turning the key to ON and waiting about 5 seconds. then try starting it and see what happens. my '01 V8 starts right up when cold, but if it's warm and has been sitting for 30-45 mins, it'll crank but not start right away. i find that if i use the before mentioned procedure it will start right up, even warm. i'm thinking fuel pump.

Mine was doing the same for a few months. Eventually died on road and had to tow it on a platform home. Found out that fuel pump died - no codes, but I measured the resistance of the pump and... was nothing to be found.

Now I have a new Bosh pump in the tank.

Mine was doing the same for a few months. Eventually died on road and had to tow it on a platform home. Found out that fuel pump died - no codes, but I measured the resistance of the pump and... was nothing to be found.

Now I have a new Bosh pump in the tank.

did you buy just the bosch replacement pump and install it on your in-tank assembly? i see just the bosch pump on ebay for around $60, but you also need a new sock filter and i'm guessing new o-ring seals. it would nice if the other stuff was included with the bosch pump, but it doesn't appear that it is. will any brand sock fit on the bosch pump?
