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December 14, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
independence MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 xlt X
Ok i have a 1995 xlt and it is all stock other than air shocks in the rear i have a noise coming from the driver side sounds like a pop when i turn hard to the left and you can feel it driving in the steering wheel. My girlfriend thinks im nuts but i swear there is a noise i checked the bearing moving side to side nothing i check tie rod side to side nothing and i also checked ball joints nothing i replaced a sway link thinking it was it Nope so i am very lost i am thinking it is the bearing but what is a positive way to check it other than replaceing everything im not that rich. If you have any suggestions please help me out i tried all i could think of and im coming to nothing

Thanks for all the help

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I second the balljoint.

its like when your shoulder is out of place... it wont rotate correctly

its your GF thats nutz...just kidding

only problem is the bottom balljoints are new i might try to grease them maybe they are just low on grease. I have another question? I have the 4.0ohv engine in mine and i just put a 40 series on it sounds really good but it seem like when you get on the gas it sounds really raspy in the engine compartment does anyone elses sound it? and when i am at a stop it vibrates not like shake you till your head falls off but a mild vibration that makes the glove box rattle and it is very annoying lol. And also does anyone elses center console vibrate like hell under 45mph? i think that might be a u joint issue. sorry for the long write but i am very curious.

And yea my g/f is nuts hahah:D

well i found out my balljoint is dry so im going to grease it see how it goes. But i am still wondering about the vibration and exhaust? and im getting a catalyst system below threshold code anyone have any idea if it is just a o2 sensor or the whole cat
