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Now What?


Well-Known Member
January 10, 2001
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Farmington, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport
Ok, got the Gabriel VST shocks put on today. Definately improved the ride over the stock shocks, much less up and down bounce. Now I would like to reduce side to side rocking and leaning. What should be my next step, new springs? sway bars? The truck has 92K on it. Thanks in advance...

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If your bushings haven't deteriorated to the point of causing your swaying, then thicker swaybars would reduce the swaying. If your bushings are bad and causing your swaying then fix that first. Consider upgrading them to polyurethane. If you are still looking for less swaying go with the sway bars. Is the swaying something that you've picked up or has it always been there? If it has always been there then go with the sway bars.

The side to side rocking thing has always puzzled me. It seems that the sway bars actually cause the rocking, because when I removed both my sway bars it actually went away.

How do I determine if my bushings are worn? Also, where are they located, can I tell by looking at them if they are shot? As far as the sway bars, is this something I do myself? Thanks in advance..
