O/D off light flashing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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O/D off light flashing

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March 26, 2017
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City, State
Ft Lauderdale, fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 explorer sport trac
driving home this afternoon at about 45 and the light started flashing no check engine light when I turned off the mail road I turned the truck off and back on and drove the rest of the way home and it didn't come back on. Mine is 2002 explorer sport trac 2 wheel drive.

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The flashing OD light is telling you there is a transmission fault code. You'll have to get it scanned to point you in the right direction.

When I turned the truck off and back on it hasn't done it again but when I put it in reverse it waits like 2 seconds then goes into reverse

The flashes , will tell you the code , to begin your trouble shooting .

Think fluid might have been a little low but did a filter change and put in some fresh fluid and seems great

The O/D off light on my '02 Explorer XLT has come on several times, sometimes steady, sometimes flashing. Only had the X for two months. Shut off engine and restart is only way I know to reset it. Is there a way to do it while moving?

Turns out my spark coil noise suppressor shorted to ground, melted some wires, cause more shorts in the harness. Removing the offending suppressor does not hurt engine performance, but may make your radio buzz, but not the CD player. If that's your problem, better disconnect that suppressor before it does more damage. Expensive wire harness!

More on this at

Wire harness meltdown
