Odd one here: When I do a KOER Wiggle test, the check engine light only comes on when my RPM is above idle. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Odd one here: When I do a KOER Wiggle test, the check engine light only comes on when my RPM is above idle.


Well-Known Member
February 23, 2021
Reaction score
Katy, TX
City, State
Katy, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT 4WD A/T
As the title suggests, the KOER Wiggle test only fails when I am above idle. This includes coasting or with throttle press. When the engine is back at idle, no fail. On a completely maybe unrelated noted, I have issues with my truck randomly losing power for a split second when driving. I thought I was losing overdrive until I felt it do that in all gears.

RE: truck randomly losing power.
In case you haven't taken a serious, up-close look; You may want to very gingerly remove your MAF to throttle body tubing and look for little cracks/splits on the underside of the tubing.
