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Official 2011 Uwharrie Planning Thread

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I'll still be there, but probably won't be in until later Friday evening, packing a tent, and no family.

jesus crap, this is awesome.

So i have a 91 v6 4x4 explorer with 31's
just bought so no lift yet...would i make it through the stuff or no?
also...i have a buddy with a 91 suzuki sidekick he is lifting...right no wit is stock with bigger tires...could he make it through stuff.

We live in charlotte so this will be a quick drive.

how much money will this cost us and what all do we need to bring?
and what all info should i know?

The explorer will be fine. I will let someone else comment on the sidekick. I do not know much about them. There are hard sections but there is usually a bypass on all the harder stuff. So get your self out here.

We are looking at spending less than 400 bucks while there and getting us to and back. I tow out so ill be spending a good bit on fuel. If your close you will spend way less....The main question in cost is how long are you planning on staying?

probably saturday - the 4th...we work friday and tuesday, so yeah

You will just spend money on gas, food, and the pass for the trail for the day. (which i just forgot how much that was but if you read this thread its in here somewhere.

A stock sidekick will basically do anything a stock explorer will do, just a little slower :). We go up there every year with a Suzuki crowd and there's a lot of sidekicks. I'd say half the trails would be fine.

I think trail fees went up to $7 a day or $45 a year, but I only got charged $30 for my year pass from the outpost a few months ago :dunno:. Camping in Arrowhead is $12-15 a night, trailside camping is free with trail pass.

Throw in a few meals and gas and that's all you should spend.

Anyone up for a good meal from the outpost

So we also need to start to see if everyone wants to eat and which movie to watch

Anyone up for a good meal from the outpost

So we also need to start to see if everyone wants to eat and which movie to watch

I'm sure we'll do some breakfasts at the outpost and at least one dinner at Boondocks.

I think in stead of a pot luck we can do dinner somewhere then a rocking movie

Yeah, dinner saturday or sunday night at boondocks then movie!

I think that would be a lot easier than trying to cook something there. I like it.

The first one who ask that question so that's you lol hehehaha

i am trying to do a TT and shackle to get a little more clearance before the meet up...any pros or cons to doing that?

was thinking 1.5"-1.75" TT
then some shackles in the rear and a possible AAL since i have a little sag
future plans include a SOA in the rear and a 3" BL

I have 31's now and want 33's...want cheap way, but also the best way. dont wanna do this and have it be more of a hassle than a new suspension lift anyways

33s will fit with a tt and will have to do some fender trimming in the front though.

BTW, I guess I need to claim shotgun. Who's got room for me on the trails?

i am trying to do a TT and shackle to get a little more clearance before the meet up...any pros or cons to doing that?

was thinking 1.5"-1.75" TT
then some shackles in the rear and a possible AAL since i have a little sag
future plans include a SOA in the rear and a 3" BL

I have 31's now and want 33's...want cheap way, but also the best way. dont wanna do this and have it be more of a hassle than a new suspension lift anyways

If you're talking about your '91, you can't do a TT.... you don't have Torsion bars (TT is Torsion Twist). You need to do spring spacers to get your 1.5 - 2" lift in the front. Also, if you go SOA in the rear, you need 5-6" lift in the front to match it, or do a 'sloped' body lift.

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Still planning for a day run Saturday. Where should I meet yall?
