Official 2011 Uwharrie Planning Thread | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Official 2011 Uwharrie Planning Thread

a little inspiration







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Cool pics. Cant wait to go do some wheeling. Just got my new rock sliders built and ordered some stuff to make some new motor mounts and trans mount. So Im getting ready.

Cool pics. Cant wait to go do some wheeling. Just got my new rock sliders built and ordered some stuff to make some new motor mounts and trans mount. So Im getting ready.

thanks man, maybe we should start a "URE to-do" thread. im gonna try and have a doubler by july or bumper/winch. not sure which.

Oh yeah boys....I have quite a bit to do but its going to get done.

So anywho did you make it up that line on Kodak in the pics? I havent been this year but where those 2 broke off pieces of boulder are looks like it made the easy line on kodak a little harder. lol

I am planning on going up that this year!!!

I am planning on going up that this year!!!

Last time I tried it I almost went over backwards.... short wheelbases really suck sometimes. But, I'll try it again :)

Its just on. I am planning on making each trail over the weekend and hitting some twice.

I've got a running Explorer!

What is everyones plans for arriving this year?

What is everyones plans for arriving this year?

I'll be in some time on Friday. Around 8:00 pm if I don't take any time off of work, earlier maybe...

I was planning to take Friday off to get down there early, but now not sure I'll be able to. Will leave as early as possible if I work, and will probably get there between 7 and 8pm. How far is the campground from Troy?

How far is the campground from Troy?

Probably 10 minutes? It takes a few minutes to get to from the Eldorado Outpost because of the gravel roads.

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Were thinking the same on the time but i think i want to be earlier this year
