oh those bumper brakcets | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oh those bumper brakcets


Elite Explorer<br>ECX Member
January 12, 2003
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City, State
Chappaqua, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 4X4 SOHC
I'm having some problems with my front bumper relocation brackets from PA (for my body lift). When I first installed them the bumper sagged a lot in the rear ( a common problem) so as I was told I put some washers on the uper bolts to try to level it out. This worked a little bit, but only fixed the sag to a degree, not 100% as I could only fit so many washers.

Now, a month or so later the bracket has bent and the bumper is sagging just as much as before. What should I do? Getting the bumper back on was a real PITA as I had a very hard time getting the studs lined up with the holes. So I'm pretty pissed that it didn't fix the problem, and that I'm going to have to remove it again.

So what should I do at this point?

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I would get some custom brackets made.

I totally agree with audiodude.

write the company and ask if there is compensation for the brackets not working.... they might redesign them and send you some...

I think I'll give PA a call and ask about compensation. I'm wondering why no one else seems to have had this problem. I mean my bumper doesn't weigh any more than anyone elses...

maybe its time to get some custom ones made..... dont remember who on here, but someone sells ones that he made especially for people doing a bl

find out whats causing the bottom of the bumper to stick out and cut it off with a sawzall. Its probably the bottom inside lip of the bumper hitting the lower part of the end of the framerail.

Also try putting washers only on the top parts of the bracket (where the bracket meets bumper, not where frame meets bracket).

Also if you call PA, remember that you have a "ranger"

I don't think that anything is hitting the bumper, I think that the bracket just isn't stong enough to hold up the entire bumper from only the front points. Also, I had done the washers in the way you sugested, but at this point with the bracket clearly bent, theres not much the washers can do.

And of course, PA will hear about the problem on my 2000 Ranger, I don't even know what an explorer is ;)

its strong enough, somethign is hitting it but u can not cut it, it is part of the prkate, this is why i have mine off and making a custom one.

prkate? I think thats a typo, but I can't figure out what you mean.

Anyway, I called PA and after explaining what had happened the girl on the phone asks me, "So what do you want, a new one?" I said, "I'm not sure. I mean if there's a problem with the part then I don't just want another defective one." She then tells me I'm the only one to ever have this problem and that she will ask her manager about it and she'd call me back. So now I'm waiting for the call.

My expectation is to get new brackets, but this time I'd like to keep from bending them, so if anyone has any ideas, I'll take them.

Also, I got the plates for my rear bumper made today, I still have to drill the holes. I'll do that when my new drill press comes next week. Here's what they look like now:


  • rear-brackets-(no-holes).jpg
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Theres a good chance it really wasnt strong enough. Those brackets from PA that are made from the brass or whatever are pretty crappy actually. If you overtighten them the whole thing warps, plus the studs almost get pulled off the bracket.

New ones made of that steel or whatever should work good.
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So for my 2" kit should I change the distance between the holes to 2"? If so, which holes should move?


  • rear_bumper_lift_brackets.jpg
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Also, the front brackets I have a from the 3" ranger kit, so should I leave the measurements of the bracket I'm going to make (diagram below) at 3" or change that to 2" as well?


  • front_bumper_lift_brackets.jpg
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Oh didnt realize it was a 2" lift. So yes you would lower the distance between the holes to 2" and no i doubt the 3" bracket would work unless you pop 2 new holes in it.

Fo the rear brackets, according to those pictures, you would move the two holes on the right, to the left 1". OR the two on the left, right 1".
For the front, according to the picture, move the bottom up 1" or the top ones down 1".

The front ones are being cut as we speak, so I'll get the holes drilled this weekend. I'll take some pics as I get this all done.

Ok, the rear ones didn't go so well, and I haven't started on the front yet. As for the rear, my drilling may not have been perfect, but the holes did not line up. Additionally, the bolts from my hitch are larger than 1/2" so the holes were too small. I need to make new brackets, and try again. For the front, I have drilled the holes, but haven't tried to install them yet. I have a feeling that they will need to be "trimmed" to fit properly.

My gets bent down all the time, usally after I run into something, so I just pull out the old Hi-Lift and jack it up. That fixes it pretty quick.

my rear barket didnt fit either, i think those plans are wrong,.

my rear brackets are the first set of plans posted.

It is plenty of stron and i have not bent them yet, even towed the trailor with 4wheeler, and the Boat, All off the bumper(dotn call me dumb:))

The front bracket worked jsut fine for me after we enlarged the holes a little bit, and my Front bumper has not statred to sag at all, but i can tell you that bracket is not as strong as the one i custom made for my Rear.

Also this is on a 1991 not 2nd gen+ :D


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Originally posted by DasFrem
My gets bent down all the time, usally after I run into something, so I just pull out the old Hi-Lift and jack it up. That fixes it pretty quick.

This is what i did. put 2 highlifts, one on each sagging corner, jacked it up till the bumper was even and let it sit for about 10 minutes

2 years later its still straight.

if you look really close behind your bumper on the outer side of the bracket (low side) there is a bolt that hits the PA bracket causing it to lean like it does (only applies to the 95-97 bumper) the 98+ don't have it thats why theirs sits level (as well as the ranger) if you remove this bolt and weld that spot, your bumper will sit somewhat straight. It is hard too see the bolt with the bracket on the bumper, but look close!
