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oil additive


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December 6, 2003
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2002 explorer
Hello all, I recently bought a can of engine restorer and lubricant, the one in the silver can, and was wondering if anyone else has used this, also the directions say to add entire can to oil, I recently changed the oil so it should be full, should I drain a small amount of oil, or just add the can of restore. Thank you

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Did you notice any difference after using this?

I would drain it down so that you dont overfill when you add the stuff.

i would not use it at all it will only sweep prolblems under the carpet so to say

I use Restore every time. Seems to me that it quiets some of the valve train clatter. I also use Lucas oil stabilizer occasionally and once or twice a year, Duralube.

I can't quantify any performance increases but it feels good to pamper your rig once in a while. I also change the oil every 2500 miles. I have 125k on my rig now and hope to double that before needing a new engine or a new truck.


try some thicker oil to get rid of the clatter cause that is one of the things that restore does

Actually I'm about to switch to synthetics like aldive, then spread the changes out a little, I think I saw he goes 5k between LOF's.

be sure to watch for leaks also give the new mobil1 truck/suv 5w40 a shot

It seems to have quieted down the pinging or clatter or whatever the noise was. I didn't need to drain any oil, because by the time i got around to putting it in the oil level had dropped alittle. I just turned over 100,000 miles the other day, guess i'm in the club. The truck seems to be getting terrible gas mileage, I know i need new plugs but it is really bad.

try new o2's and clean the maf cleaning the maf then resetting the computer will work wonders

oil additives

All major vehicle manufacturers specifically warn against using additives of any kind in your oil. Modern oil already has the additives you need manufactured into it. Multiple independent labs have shown no evidence that aditional additives help a normally running engine and in fact could cause damage.
That being said, I had a motor that was on its way out with loud bottom end noise. The Engine Restorer product quieted and smoothed out the motor long enough for me to eek out a few more miles and trade it in without it sounding as if it was falling apart. I believe the product works as a last ditch effort before major work is done. I would NOT use it regularly on a normally functioning engine.

I would never add ANYTHING to my oil. Jus use high quality oil.

Al, how often are you changing your oil now? You did switch to the new Mobil 1 didn't you?

I have used synthetic forever. I have tried Mobil 1 at several weights and Amsoil Series 2000 oil,

I am currently using Amsoil Series 2000 ow30 oil. I will change it at 15k with a filter change every 5k. And of course with oil analysis at each filter change.

I will change it at 15k with a filter change every 5k. And of course with oil analysis at each filter change.

You drain it, change the filter then put the oil back in?

What kind of analysis?

Originally posted by Albino 94LTD
IYou drain it, change the filter then put the oil back in?

What kind of analysis?

No, I simply remove the filter and put a new one on and add 1 quart of new oil.

I use Blackstone Labs for my analysis. See http://www.blackstone-labs.com/

Doesn't that get a little messy?

Where do you get your Amsoil? I assume you have shopped for teh best price.

Thanks O Master of High MPG, I am humbled by your prescence.;)

Originally posted by Albino 94LTD
Doesn't that get a little messy?

Where do you get your Amsoil? I assume you have shopped for teh best price.

Thanks O Master of High MPG, I am humbled by your prescence.;)

Why would it be messy?

I purchase mine from Dead Link Removed

Don't you get oil dripping from the filter input tube? Obviousley I have never tried this so I wouldn't know how many of the engine oil journals would also drain, you make it sound like not much.

I get drips down the side of the filter even after draining the pan. Proper palcement of the drain pan keep oil off the garage floor but I still get my hands dirty. I suppose gloves would change that.

Honestly, your 'Quest for 30' is inspiring. (enogh sucking up?):D

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Originally posted by Albino 94LTD
Don't you get oil dripping from the filter input tube?

I get drips down the side of the filter even after draining the pan. Proper palcement of the drain pan keep oil off the garage floor but I still get my hands dirty. I suppose gloves would change that.

No, there is no oil dripping out, just like when you drain the pan.

If you wrap the filter inside a 1 gal ziplock bag, you will not get a single drop of oil on you.

Good luck.....
