oil additive | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oil additive


Well-Known Member
December 6, 2003
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Pittsburgh PA
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2002 explorer
Hello all, I recently bought a can of engine restorer and lubricant, the one in the silver can, and was wondering if anyone else has used this, also the directions say to add entire can to oil, I recently changed the oil so it should be full, should I drain a small amount of oil, or just add the can of restore. Thank you

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How much is in the can? If its more than 1/2 a quart then I would drain some out. But the real question is does it really work?

btw- don't start 2 threads of the same thing. That's a no-no and you are making the moderators work. :D

Its a 15oz can. Sorry about the double post. I got an error page when i tried to submit the thread so I did it again, I guess it took the first time

I would never add an additive to my oil. They are just snake oil.

15oz. is just under a pint. I think the best thing you could do is take that stuff back to the store for a refund, but if you really think it will help, just make sure that you don't overfill the oil.

If you use good oil, and change it regularly, then all of those additives are unnecessary. If you are having trouble with the engine, the chance that this stuff will help significantly is almost zero; buying lottery tickets to help finance the inevitable rebuild may be a better strategy.

i agree with everyone. just return the bottle and buy yourself of something more useful like, um, pepsi or something. :)
