oil pressure dial flicking? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oil pressure dial flicking?


New Member
December 15, 2014
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chorley lancashire uk
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 4.0 v6 auto
hi while driving my oil pressure dial needle flicks very wildly for a short while then drops to low stops like that then comes back to half way and remains constant however the last few days its got worse can anybody advise me if they have the same or cure my explorer is 2000 v6 4.0 petrol /auto

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Your pressure gage is what is referred to as an "idiot gage", meaning it doesn't show what the pressure is at all, but shows only that you have enough oil pressure. Its a pressure switch more than a gage. It will either be in the "normal" position (minimum pressure pressure present) or pegged low (no or low pressure).

The flicking you describe means the gage is getting a rapidly changing impulse from the sensor. This could be a couple of things: a) your oil pressure is hovering around the set point for the gage, or b) you have a bad sensor or gage.

If its "a)", you could be low on oil, have a bad oil pump, a clogged oil pickup tube or clogged return ports to the pan. Remedy here is to pull the oil pan and inspect for goo and strange objects in the pan (there shouldn't be anything in the pan except oil and some sludge). If you have molasses, you'll need to flush the oil system. Check the forum for methods to do that. If all looks clean, then you'll have to verify the operation of your oil pump. Again, check the forum for methods to check your oil pressure.

If you have good pressure (verified), then all thats left is "b)", the sensor or the gage. Of these two, its most likely the sensor. They can get a buildup of goo that blocks the sensor from seeing the pressure. Clean it or replace it.

On a quick side note... To replace the oil pressure switch is relatively easy and not that expensive either. If my memory serves me right I spent about $15 to change mine a while back.

I assume you have the SOHC 4.0? your problem could a faulty oil pressure sender, or it could be that your losing oil pressure. the oil pressure sender (actually just a switch) makes the gauge read NORMAL when you have more than 5 psi of pressure. if the pressure falls below 5 psi, the gauge needle will flicker or show zero oil pressure. the SOHC engine tends to display this condition when the timing chain components start to disintegrate and clog the oil pump pick-up screen. it could also be sludge clogging the pickup screen.

I suggest you install a real oil pressure gauge and see what it tells you. rule of thumb for good oil pressure is around 10 psi for every 1000 RPM up to around 35-40 psi with engine at normal operating temp.

if you rev the engine up a bit, does the needle still flicker?
