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February 13, 2007
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Hobbs, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Explorer XLT 4x4
So I was installing my rebuilt A4LD when I realized I did not have the torque converter properly seated in the transmission, AFTER i had bolted the bell housing to the engine. My question is: What parts do I need to inspect for damage now? And how would I know if the pump was pushed out of alignment? I didn't hear any breakage, the only thing I noticed is I could not turn the engine until I loosened the bell housing bolts. I'll have the transmission back down today so any insight would be appreciated... Thanks!

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Oh man keep your fingers crossed

I would seat the converter on the trans correctly and try again, hopefully you didnt damage the pump, pump drive shaft, converter or hub.

I did that ONCE (first auto trans install myself) and it went together okay afterwards.

Guess I didn't cross my fingers tight enough... The converter I got with the rebuild will not seat completely, however my old one still does :confused: Thinking I either screwed up the new one or got the wrong one all together. So if I CAN get a converter seated in the transmission, does that mean I'm in the clear as far as the pump, seal, etc.? Or is it going to be one of those "won't know til ya try it" deals?

I'd be leery of the new convertor then. I am doubtful you have caused and significant damage to the pump seal or pump, any damage potentially might be in the convertor stator and other innards... I'd investigate that you in fact got the right convertor.

I did the same thing, I used the bolts to pull up the transmission. What if I can still turn the flywheel though? Do you think anything was hurt? I am pretty sure I seated the torque converter properly from the beginning. Is it possible that the torque converter may feel like it is seated properly when it isnt? Is there any other reason the trans would be tough to pull up to the engine?
