Opening Driver Side Door | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Opening Driver Side Door


October 24, 2006
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport 4.0l oh
My drivers side door had broke and I temporarily repaired it. I lent it to my father and he broke the inside door handle and now the door will not open from the inside or the outside. I need to remove the interior panel to replace the handle but I cannot do that if the door cannot open. What can I do in this situation?

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My drivers side door had broke and I temporarily repaired it. I lent it to my father and he broke the inside door handle and now the door will not open from the inside or the outside. I need to remove the interior panel to replace the handle but I cannot do that if the door cannot open. What can I do in this situation?

I "think" you should still be able to get the inside latch out. With it out you can get a hold of the metal bar that opens the door.

You can still take the panel off if you need to, it's just a PITA. I've done it on my wife's 97 explorer when her actuator went out.

I "think" you should still be able to get the inside latch out. With it out you can get a hold of the metal bar that opens the door.

I have gotten to the metal bar and I am tugging like hell but no give. I will look on it again on my day off.

I have been looking at it for a couple of days and I do not know what else to do. I have been pulling on the metal bar to open the door to remove the panel but it is not working and since the outside latch is not working I am stumped. I am considering dynamite but am putting this back in the air in hopes of a quieter solution.

See if you can get you hand in there to the vertical rod--going to outer handle--and push up on it, then pull inner rod to release latch.
Outer handle rod needs to be up in the home position for the inner handle rod to function. This is why it broke also--

dynamite!!! That's alway a good idea...;p
