Opinions on the 03 Expedition? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Opinions on the 03 Expedition?

That's an excellent price! Was that a 2wd? Slap some rims and fogs in the factory locations, and that would be a nice ride!

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I like my '01 a lot and I've had it for a month. :) It has A/C, power everything, 4WD, and I'm not wishing for anything else right now except a CD player, and I am picky! The thing gets better MPG with the smaller motor than my Nissan minivan did (15-17 mpg). I've never had any complaint about the power--if it can merge on the highway and keep up, climb the hills better than my Isuzu Rodeo did, then it's all good. ;) I test drove a bunch with each motor and was going off all the warnings of the 4.6, but no complaints with mine.

I love the interior of the new Expys!

I swear... everytime i find a car i am ready to jump on, someone jumps first... Thats the problem with shopping online... it may be gone by the time u get to the dealership...
This reanting is about the 2002 Explorer XLS Sport for $14,998. Only 19,000 miles... Auto, power locks/windows... they go new for about 20,000 around here, so right at a year old, for that low was nice...dang it... back to the looking boards... haha

well, i had to work late monday, but i went tuesday to look at em. i drove a 2001 escape xlt, and a 2002 X spor. I am going tonight to look at a brand new 2003 Explroer Sport. In the paper for $14,999. Basically about 7,500 worth of rebates and discounts. Base model, standard tranny... The oine thing Im thinking tho... Does anyone on the board have a 01+ sport lifted? I have the image in my head, but im afraid of what it may look like in reality. Does that make sense? I definately will be modding, so I want something that will look ok lol.

Ok Ok, well, the one mentioned above turned out to be a no go, but it is the last weekend of the month, and i am in posession of a buyers order for a 2003 Ford Explorer Sport XLS. Black in color, grey interior, tear drop rims, automatic transmission... yea thats right, an automatic... for the sale price of 14,988! Heck yeah! I am stoked... if you wait long enough, the perfect deal WILL come along.
We are going to be working papers on Monday, and I should have it by Tuesday night (as long as my bank doesnt take too long). Lets cross our fingers and hope nothing goes wrong. Im almost part of the O1+ Sports Club!!! Ill post more later in a thread of its own... Thanks for all the help and advice guys.
