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opinions please!


Well-Known Member
April 20, 2002
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Overland Park, Kansas
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'97 XLT 5.0 AWD
I'm wanting a 2-3" suspension lift for by X and was wondering if the 31's that I just bought would look too small for that? I plan on getting wider wheels with more ofset beforhand. Do you think that it would look bad?

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Torsion Twist and an AAL it should be just fine although I don't know how much wider that 10.50 you're gonna get without a little more than 2-3 inches.

if your wheels have the right offset it should look sweet. my friend is running 31s on a 3 in suspension lift, on a jeep GC though, but still they do not look too small. i dont know what the offset is either...

I've read 2 inches is the max because of the CV angle.

After that you're asking for trouble.

Originally posted by cdsl227
I've read 2 inches is the max because of the CV angle.

After that you're asking for trouble.

If you do the 2" TT, new shakels in the rear and a 3" BL you could do 33's. If you're going to spend the money on the new tires/wheels/AAL, it's not too much more to just buy 33s instead and an extra 100 or whatever the 3" BL costs. Basicly, it'll probally cost 200 more, but then you are running 33s instead of 31s which is where you'll want to be the week after you put the 31s on anyhow. Big is never big enough with me, I recently put on 35s and sort of wish I went with 36s or 37s (although it would have been a hell of alot more work) Anyhow, I had no rubbing when I had this setup:
(33x11x16, 3" BL, TT, and shakels)

Originally posted by DasFrem
but then you are running 33s instead of 31s which is where you'll want to be the week after you put the 31s on anyhow.

This is absolutely true! I put on 31x10.50 and the next week was fiending for a viable way to get 35x12.50s under there.

And I'm still fiending to get them! Right after I slice and dice my 01 for a SFA. :D
