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February 22, 2001
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'92 explorer xlt
if anyone lives in oregon i know of a awesome mud trail to go on but you have to have a lifted truck or no way your going through it. write me back for directions if you want them.

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where roughly in oregon? maybe we could get a weekend run/campout together in the near future for everyone in this area of the world. i know diffwackdaddy is going to need to test out his solid axle when its finished.

um the trail is just outside roseburg

Well Foster is closed down, enviromentalists screwed that up for us. But there are plenty of roads out there east of Foster that are rather nasty.. I found a few of them on the 23rd.. (I'm from Cascadia, about 10 miles east of Foster)

I still want to go play at Walker Valley ORP( since I live in Mukilteo WA) but need to get the time off to go there.

Hey you guys are from around here(oregon) i want to do some winter wheelin how about you?

I'd be up for some. I bet TSF has a few inches of snow by now. Where do you usually go? I am up for some place new.

i live around clackamas oregon just outside portland. and go regular to browns camp and goat mountian or upper clackamas. it'll mostly be in the snow so you break less stuff!!

Hey guys, I'm up for a run as soon as I get a replacement axle pivot bracket. The pivot bolt is hitting the axle right now. I'm told it will take at least 10 business days to get here.

I've been going to TSF and Maybee Mines a lot, but am always up for some new territory. We'll have to plan something.


fox here agian, ya i'de be up for someting, but it would have tobe a little while from now. i'm doing a gear swap in my truck-so i'm kinda out of order untill the end of december

but don't let that get in the way of you guys getting together, i'll always be able to go another time. but if you guys do decide to go pm or e-mail me so i know. i might have winch, i think thats what my parents are getting me for xmas.

later guys


I would be up for any get togethers / runs in the north
west.. I am currently in the Redding, CA area but make frequent trips to Oregon. (got family in
Eugene) well, after I get manual hubs.. hehe.. :bounce:
