July 4 North Carolina Oregon Inlet Campground Trip | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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July 4 North Carolina Oregon Inlet Campground Trip


Explorer Addict
October 15, 2008
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va beach
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92explorer&94 ranger
July 1-4 North Carolina Oregon Inlet Campground Trip

i know many people on here have been talking about an obx meet and greet wheeling trip.im posting this so early because the sites have to be reserved and they go VERY quick!!for you people not familiar with the place it is on the Oregon inlet right next to a beach access.you can 4x4 on the beach there or in Hatteras and some surrounding beaches.i will be going down with many of my friends and there is hotels near by for those that want to bring family's and not camp.i will need a head count asap if you do plan on camping.

here are some links for now.always a fun time!!i plan on going down that Friday the 1st and leaving Monday the 4:D:cool:
its $4 per person per night!!yep that's it!! right now i have reserved for 20 people from Friday the 1 to Monday the 4 but need to be out by noon on Monday.so for you to come and have a blast all weekend its going to cost you $12.the area that has been set aside he said will fit around 20 good size tents tents.i will have a copy of the reservation and rules soon.
so people don't miss out this is going to be a blast and its super cheap,sign up now!!

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People that are going,witch i cant believe more people aren't wanting to go for this price!!people that are going i need you to pm me the days you are going and staying and ill send you the cost and my PayPal address for payment,before the end of June and please don't wait till last min to pay!
Wills05xlt4x4 and one guest

exploradora& maybe family

Ha if you dont leave early in the morning or late at night it can take you just about as long as it wohld to drive to Oregon! !

Whats up!

I might be in for this run if thats cool. I wheeled with guys from the midwest on here when I lived in Nebraska, down at SMORR in Missouri and had lots of fun. Im near Fayetteville which is not far from there a few hours at the most. Let me know!

Everyone is welcome to come,more the better.i know some people are making it there summer vaction and bringing family down but staying in a hotel. There is plenty to do down there and the fishing from the beach is not bad;) its early now but the sites probably need to be reserved in the next month or two.i will probably reserve 10 sites and just have people paypal me.they say two tents and two trucks per site.ill post more info in the next couple days about pricing
EDIT pricing is in first post

111 views and only 3 people want to go?:(

Its a weekend and your be back for the actual 4 of july!!you got months to take off!!we need more people to actually be able to reserve the sites.im just hoping its still early and more people will see this post and sign up.
Ive got a couple people coming that are nonmembers also.all is welcome

I make up for at least 10 views....so im 10 times the turd lol

So what kind of wheeling are we talking about or is this just a camping/beach trip?

well being its a sticky now, thatll help. i know someone next to my grandma with a heep and a big f350, maybe he could come, inno.

i have the 4th off and paid so im ok if im gone until then :)

omg burns if you come....... im gonna be trying to steal the paint off your truck to put on mine lolol

Hahahh just a meet and greet beach/camping trip.unless some locals know good spots near bye. ;)

Ok im trying to find a good place to wheel this time....

Thanks for the info

It is just Carolina beach wheeling. Oregon Inlet has about two miles of beach. It is stock wheekable if you air down. You can also go south on Hatteras Island. There are miles and miles of empty beach. You have to stay off the dunes, a big no no. The sand on Hatteras Island seems to be a little deeper and softer than farther north. There are also some sound side access paths, really not much for challange wheeling. The real draw for wheeling is empty beaches (south) and being able to drive up to the ocean. July 4 weekend will be pretty crowded. If you have never been there, it is well worth the effort. I know some people that only use their 4 wheel drive to go out on the beach. They have changed the rules for beach access, but is is still pretty cool. Frequently, you will see dolphins less than 100-feet off the shore. Lots of birds. Sometimes in the summer the fishing is good.

It is just Carolina beach wheeling. Oregon Inlet has about two miles of beach. It is stock wheekable if you air down. You can also go south on Hatteras Island. There are miles and miles of empty beach. You have to stay off the dunes, a big no no. The sand on Hatteras Island seems to be a little deeper and softer than farther north. There are also some sound side access paths, really not much for challange wheeling. The real draw for wheeling is empty beaches (south) and being able to drive up to the ocean. July 4 weekend will be pretty crowded. If you have never been there, it is well worth the effort. I know some people that only use their 4 wheel drive to go out on the beach. They have changed the rules for beach access, but is is still pretty cool. Frequently, you will see dolphins less than 100-feet off the shore. Lots of birds. Sometimes in the summer the fishing is good.
^agree on all this!i use to go every month down there but havent been in about two or three years. corolla is really nice too,wild house and ton of beach.i just pick Oregon because there is a camp site and marina right there.its close to all the hotels and tourist stuff.we can wheel any of the beachs or anywhere near bye.its just a meet and greet, relaxing summer get up!! Yes 4of july weekend it gets very packed so reservations need to be made early!with all that said,are you coming?

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there is a second option now.ive call the Oregon inlet camp ground and left a message but they haven't gotten back to yet.so as a back up plan i called the koa in Hatteras and they take reservations.they have gotten very high reviews and i have stayed there before.i just thought Oregon inlet would be closer but if every one want to stay at Hatteras im down,witch ever is cheaper!!
Hatteras KOA pricing is 6 people max per site,3 tents max per site and 2 trucks per site.its $68 per site and that's based on 2people the rest don't matter.its $8 per adult with a max of 6 per site,so for 3 tents with one person per tent,3 people-3tents it would be $76 total,that's around $25 per person per night.it gets cheaper the more people you feel like stuffing in your tent!!
that i believe is more than what Oregon is charging as they posted $20 per site and $4 per additional adult,with a max of 2 tents per site.but that was last years pricing and im sure they charge more for holidays!!
