July 4 North Carolina Oregon Inlet Campground Trip | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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July 4 North Carolina Oregon Inlet Campground Trip

We had the smoke smell in Richmond yesterday.

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yea it was so bad here it looked like fog.

i cant believe only 6 people including myself want to go on this trip!!!

guess my reservation for 20 people was WAY off:rolleyes:

werent you bringing guests? so 6+ them.
make it 5+ them, i can no longer go

WAS!!! 4 backed out because there is partys going on up here!!2 said they couldnt afford it but are going out to norfolk to the bars to watch the fireworks:rolleyes: and the last two ,one may still go but the other has been on a trip for the last two weeks and no one knows when he plans on coming back,said he would be gone for two days!hahaha

they are not going to be happy with me,considering its a group site and the busiest weekend of the year for them.they said you need a min of 7 to even reserve it but for that weekend they prefer groups of 20+.screw them as long as they get there money right,just will look funny with 5 people camping on a big ass group site.

its a state campsite.they have showers and all that.ill just have to pay.the difference for not having enough people.it is what it is.we still will have a blast no matter what!:)

yea im all ready stockn up.i can't wait!!!


WAS!!! 4 backed out because there is partys going on up here!!2 said they couldnt afford it but are going out to norfolk to the bars to watch the fireworks:rolleyes: and the last two ,one may still go but the other has been on a trip for the last two weeks and no one knows when he plans on coming back,said he would be gone for two days!hahaha

you talking about me?
im still definately going me and a buddy we may both bring our own tents since there will be plenty of space lol
also i plan on bringing all my camping stuff ( two burner stove lantern propane grill tent etc)
also i have a couple straps and such i will be bringing along with some 2x12s incase someone decides to get stuck.... (my tires are marginal but will still pass insp so should be fine)

you talking about me?
im still definately going me and a buddy we may both bring our own tents since there will be plenty of space lol
also i plan on bringing all my camping stuff ( two burner stove lantern propane grill tent etc)
also i have a couple straps and such i will be bringing along with some 2x12s incase someone decides to get stuck.... (my tires are marginal but will still pass insp so should be fine)

nope your still on the list ;) yea im bringing all kinds of stuff and a smoker! ;)

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