Over heating problems. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Over heating problems.


New Member
March 4, 2010
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City, State
asheville, north carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 ford explorer
first things first im new here and young and new with cars hoping someone will be able to help me find answers to my questions;

1) car was overheating took it to get it pressurized and they said it was leaking from the radiator and i got that fixed. (was not head gasket) however it was still overheating so i replaced the thermostat and it is still over heating. my water pump is working bc i have my antifreeze swirling when i looked at it with the cap off.
2) about a year ago i replaced the heter core also.
3) i have no heat what so ever just blows cold air
4) when i drive it and get it in the in rpms of 3 or 4 there is a weird sound like ice crunching or the sound that you make when slurping and empty coke cup weird sound i know
and it is a 91 ford explorer rear wheel drive
does anyone have any answers?
maybe the temp sensor or hoses or heater core what? im stumped:(:(:usa:

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Just a thought, but have you checked the antifreeze? Not the level, but the mixture? How cold has it been? Is it possible that it's been semi-freezing your fluid? If it's slushy, then you wouldn't be getting enough flow, and it would act like a low coolant issue (at least in theory) like overheating and no heat...just food for thought.

How did they determine it was not head gasket? What you describe to me is low water level or compression entering the water which will block flow.
Next time engine is up to operating temp. Look at the coolant jug for at least 5 minutes while it is ideling. See any bubbles?
For how many miles was the engine allowed to run hot? 1 mile and 5 miles is a world of difference.

when i drive it and get it in the in rpms of 3 or 4 there is a weird sound like ice crunching or the sound that you make when slurping and empty coke cup weird sound i know

this could probably be your lifters, most first gen explorers wear out their lifters somewhere after 100k. it's really noticeable at higher rpm. its not going to harm anything if you don't replace them. it's just annoying.
