Overhead console Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Overhead console Help


Well-Known Member
July 29, 2008
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City, State
Jackson TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Explorer
I was getting in my truck earlier and instead of showing the temp and direction outside my display was ready 1 VAR. What is this? I pressed the mode button and it just kept changing the number from 1 to 15. then i let it sit for a while and my temp and direction came back up. Any ideas on what this is?

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that's the a mode of setting the console.. ic an't remember what it was but just check you're manual i know it's in there

doesn't it have something to do with the global zone for the compass?

Var 1 thru 15 is the compass settings for various locations. I see you are in Tenn, and that would be Var 8 unless you are in the extreme eastern part of Tenn. which would be Var 9, or the extreme west of Tenn. which would be Var 7.

I need to know how to set the compass on 2007 explorer

Same premise, and it will be in the owners manual.

If you don't have one, you can look at one online Dead Link Removed

My manual says the button to set compass is behind mirror, nothing on back of mirror but there is something on the windshield behind mirror, is this where you set it.....

Mine stoped working. Any ideas?

Display out, or display working, but wrong?

ok so i should get a used one. or do you think the sodder sepperated?
