Overheating and now no crank issue. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Overheating and now no crank issue.


New Member
May 21, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Kaufman, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport Trac

I have a 2002 Sport Trac. If any more info is needed I can get it for you.

So, this vehicle I bought for my wife since we work out in a field and she needs to use the 4x4 a lot.

Yesterday, she did not switch it off from her work the night before and ran the truck on the road for a good 8-10 miles. It overheated. I got a tow, and was able to bring it back. After making sure the 4x4 was off when I came home from work later in the day, I tried to start it and it sounded like it almost could. I made sure to fill the radiator with water but after trying to crank it a couple of times, some with jumping it from a different car, now it only gives one click.

I also saw there was some smoke from something burning, not sure what, couldnt find it.

Any place I should start looking before I begin? I checked the oil and it has no mixing with the coolant, thankfully. I also did change the cable to the starter solenoid since I had a no crank issue before and that was the issue.

Thank you.

Could be hydro locked. Pull the spark plugs and try bumping starter over hopefully no water comes out.
