P1836 Transfer case Speed Sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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P1836 Transfer case Speed Sensor


Explorer Addict
November 5, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago Burbs, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 xlt 4.0L SOHC 4x4
Need help finding the right part number. 98 Explorer with code P1836. Code says it's the Transfer case front shaft speed sensor. Here's where I get lost. I can't find this part anywhere not even on ford parts direct. If you look at the service bulletin in this post it shows part # XL2Z-7F293-BA. If I look up that number it says it fits 2002-2005 only. And that makes no sense since the bulletin is from 1999. I haven't actually remove the part yet because I would like to have a replacement on hand first.


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I replaced both Halls Effect sensors on my '98 XLT's transfer case several yrs ago when I was having 4WD problems and found my notes as to which ones I used. They are:

Motorcraft SW-5644 (Ford 1L2Z-7F293-BA
Motorcraft SW-5645 (Ford 1L2Z-7F293-AB

I replaced both Halls Effect sensors on my '98 XLT's transfer case several yrs ago when I was having 4WD problems and found my notes as to which ones I used. They are:

Motorcraft SW-5644 (Ford 1L2Z-7F293-BA
Motorcraft SW-5645 (Ford 1L2Z-7F293-AB
Those are basically the same number I have. Every listing says they are for 02-05 model years. I don't get it. Do you remember where they're at on the transfer case. Is the front one the one right by the shift motor?

I don't recall which one went in front. Maybe someone else can chime in. If not, I may be running down to the local U Pull tomorrow to pick a GEM off a '98 XLT and could check them out on that truck. Too much ice on my driveway to climb under mine and look.

I don't recall which one went in front. Maybe someone else can chime in. If not, I may be running down to the local U Pull tomorrow to pick a GEM off a '98 XLT and could check them out on that truck. Too much ice on my driveway to climb under mine and look.
Don't go to all that trouble. I'll get under it this weekend and start taking things apart. It just baffles me that not one single part store or even Ford has a listing for that model year part. They all start with year 2002.

Your 98 must be a v6 with control trac torque on demand 4wd
The front shaft speed sensor I believe is mounted on the back of the t case, there are two of these sensors on a control trac case.

That is one long bulletin sheesh

Are you having any issues with the 4wd or just the code?

I cannot find the speed sensor listed online for the 98 transfer case, but that was just with a quick search. Usually I would just grab a sensor from a junk yard case as we usually just crush control trac cases. I am sure I have one of those sensors lying around if you need one. They were same 1995-2004

If you are having issues with your 4wd I would drain the transfer case fluid and have a look, often a 97-99 control trac case will fail when the nylon guides inside give away.. you can usually spot small bits of white nylon in the fluid

Check this out might find helpful


The issue with it is I'm a moron. The CV joints were binding up on low speed turns so I just figured they went bad and replaced them. That did nothing. Then I decided it might be a good idea to dust off the old computer with the all the software and see what's really wrong with it. That's when I discovered the P1836 code. I doubt there's anything wrong with the transfer case, at least I hope not. It only has 130K on it and it's never been abused. I ordered a MOTORCRAFT SW5644 from Rock Auto. I'll swap that out on Saturday and see what happens. Like every place else Rock Auto's listing says that part is for 2002-2010 model years. Not sure why this stupid twenty dollar sensor is such a mystery part.

Not sure
I run into computer part number glitches and Misinformation on occasion, I buy a lot of parts.

At 130 w a control trac I would change the fluid. Use ford transfer case fluid or Mercon iii not I repeat not Mercon v
I have seen many many failed control trac t cases over the years but usually up over 175-200k miles and no maintenance
Usually the nylon guide that shift the case in and out of awd mode inside fail then it’s metal on metal and flashing lights

When you get a gem code
Like this (in 98-99 the gem is the 4x4
Control module) it’s best to clear it and see if it comes back

I've changed it a few time but don't remember when the last time was. I'll change it again this weekend when I get the new sensor in.

Here's a tip if those sensors are original...after removing the mtg bolt, twist the sensor back and forth a few times before trying to pry it out of the hole. They can get pretty stuck in there and you risk snapping it off if you aren't careful.

I had a sensor code years ago, and live feed on ForScan was helpful for making a diagnosis. I could see driving across the fields, that one sensor was reading 0 mph. I ended up replacing it.

I had a sensor code years ago, and live feed on ForScan was helpful for making a diagnosis. I could see driving across the fields, that one sensor was reading 0 mph. I ended up replacing it.
That's a interesting idea. I have the old ScanXL software from Palmer Performance with the Ford extra stuff. I'm sure there's a PID to read those. I'll check that out this weekend. Parts will be here from RockAuto tomorrow.
