Paint It Or Leave chrome? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Paint It Or Leave chrome?


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Lewistown, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLS
I'm goin to replace my front bumper on the 92 soon FINALLY! My back bumper is black of course since its a sport but the front bumper I'm gettin is chrome, Think I should paint the front bumper or leave it chrome? I don't know which would be better for looking....I'd like to make a decision before I put it on, so I can safe myself the hassle of taping off sections. So Whatchya'll Think?

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i would say leave it chrome. it might make the truck look a little flat color-wise if both bumpers are black...

chrome needs special prep to help adhere paint.

i would paint both so they match.

I would paint it. All your trim is black and chrome would look out of place.

I was thinking of that too.....anyone know prep steps of painting chrome so it sticks and doesn't peel? Should I take a light grade sand paper to it to scuff it all up? The only things I've painted with spray-paint is taken vinyl spray-paint to my console and console arm-rest. And clear coated the roof of my explorer.

I say make it match, one way or another. Either paint it or replace the back to be chrome also.

Thats how my 94 was but when i got this truck last year it had a chrome bumper on the front, and looked like crap so never dealt with it but since I've got another better looking bumper to put on it, I was thinking of going to black.

you need to demagnatize it and strip the chrome.

the paint will not stick right or if it does will come off quickly.

call a body shop or chroming place.

i had it done to my 70 ranchero bumpers it was 80 bucks for one and 120 bucks for 2.

that was what i was thinking also.

then sell the chrome one.

Note, if you do go the new bumper route you will need an air gun to get he mounting pates off the old bumper. I took the bumper to a local shop & they let me use their gun.
