Painted TB cover? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Painted TB cover?

Did this today just to see what it looked like and i liked the outcome but im gonna try and get some gloss or something to cover up the paint with to make it shiny and not so flakey and also paint the SOHC 4.0 in a black. Any advise? Maybe a different color? wanted it to kinda match my trucks color. Thanks









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That looks very nice.

Here is how mine looks after painting ....


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Al I have a question did you dye yours or did you spray paint it? i want mine glossy looking like yours and not dull like mine. Type of paint? Any prep advise? I just soaked it in the tub and scrubed all the dirt off and cleaned it off with some windex and also what did you use to mask off the SOHC 4.0L so it only got painted? I was gonna use some tape and maybe some wrapping tin foil. Thanks.

to prep just cean it real well with anti-static degreeser. Let it flash ( dry ) for about fifteen mineuts, scuff it real well with a 3-M scotch brite pad clean it again, and apply several THIN coats of paint giving fifteen mineuts between coats.

When I get back from Minnisota next week we will get to gether and get the job done

[thread hijack] I just noticed that you (MONMIX) are a mod now. When did this happen? I missed it. Congratulations. [/hijack]

ions said:
Al I have a question did you dye yours or did you spray paint it? i want mine glossy looking like yours and not dull like mine. Type of paint? Any prep advise? I just soaked it in the tub and scrubed all the dirt off and cleaned it off with some windex and also what did you use to mask off the SOHC 4.0L so it only got painted? I was gonna use some tape and maybe some wrapping tin foil. Thanks.

I cleaned it well with Simple Green and then with mineral spirits. I used spray paint ( Krylon Fusion ); did 3 coats. Thats all.

Brian_B said:
[thread hijack] I just noticed that you (MONMIX) are a mod now. When did this happen? I missed it. Congratulations. [/hijack]

It was late last week some time. I am quite thrilled. And thank you.

aldive said:
I cleaned it well with Simple Green and then with mineral spirits. I used spray paint ( Krylon Fusion ); did 3 coats. Thats all.

Almost forgot, the lettering was done by hand using gloss black paint.

aldive said:
Almost forgot, the lettering was done by hand using gloss black paint.

Ahh, I was thinking you taped it off and just painted. I was gonna tell you that your damn good with an Exacto knife :D

Painted some more under the engine parts today and they look pretty good just to test out how much I like this color config...after all is said and done I'm gonna scrub them with paint thinner and return them back to stock untill I find what I like.






Using this stuff (know its not the best but it was .89/can and I liked the color) looking for some kyrlon spray in this color but couldnt find it at autozone, advance auto, home depot or pep boys.

Some more pictures.






Not bad but man you need to clean that engine bigtime:)
Looks like you got that T installed in the PCV line

Yea I know its pretty dirty hasn't been cleaned since.....probably since it rolled off the line :) I have some engine clean stuff but kinda scared to #### something major up and yes I have the T installed thank you very much works like a charm.

BeauJ said:
Ahh, I was thinking you taped it off and just painted. I was gonna tell you that your damn good with an Exacto knife :D

I did mine with chrome pin stripe.
I'll post a pic later this week when I get to my home computer.

Otherwise click below on my registery and there is a few shots there.

^^^ Thanks buddy !! :cool:

Hey Ionis, now get a sharpie and with a steady hand you can have little raised black letters on some of those parts you painted

I just painted mine today. I did white w/ black lettering (to match my truck color). I taped off the letters, we'll see how it turned out when I peel them off tomorrow. I could always just do it by hand if I wanted.

Tomorrow is other caps and stuff I can yank off to paint. I used some plastic paint from Lowes, but it definately isn't as good as the Fusion paint by Krylon. I couldn't find the Fusion stuff anywhere though. I forget where I bought my last can from.

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PPro said:
I just painted mine today. I did white w/ black lettering (to match my truck color). I taped off the letters, we'll see how it turned out when I peel them off tomorrow. I could always just do it by hand if I wanted.

Tomorrow is other caps and stuff I can yank off to paint. I used some plastic paint from Lowes, but it definately isn't as good as the Fusion paint by Krylon. I couldn't find the Fusion stuff anywhere though. I forget where I bought my last can from.

Lets see some pictures.

Thanks .....
