PATs issue, Broken part, need identified | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PATs issue, Broken part, need identified


Active Member
June 23, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Flat Rock, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 SporTrac
Can anyone identify this Green piece? We’re trying to figure out what it’s called as it’s caused my explorer sport to get stuck in Anti Theft as it’s snapped in half


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The blue piece is the PATS receiver. If nothings missing besides the locking tab etc, try to tape it back in place and start the engine. My 98 Mountaineer had that issue for some time, before I discovered that piece fallen away from the key cylinder. I taped it back where it belonged, and it's always started since then. I'd use RTV if I have that issue again, electrical tape will let go eventually.

The blue piece is the PATS receiver. If nothings missing besides the locking tab etc, try to tape it back in place and start the engine. My 98 Mountaineer had that issue for some time, before I discovered that piece fallen away from the key cylinder. I taped it back where it belonged, and it's always started since then. I'd use RTV if I have that issue again, electrical tape will let go eventually.
We tried too but it failed, Thank you for the help

You should hunt a used one then, it does look like some piece of it is missing.

You should hunt a used one then, it does look like some piece of it is missing.
Oh it is when we pulled the ignition cylinder 5 broken pieces of it fell out
