Phone Book Downloading Loop | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Phone Book Downloading Loop


Well-Known Member
February 15, 2011
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2011 Limited AWD 302A
Just completed ugrade from 2.4 to 2.11 over the weekend via the SYNC website. As expected had to reconnect my phone and phonebook entries. Unfortunately I am stuck in the following endless loop now:

Phonebook downloading Please Wait....

Well I waited for 45 minutes during my entire ride home no luck/ no contacts. Prior to this my Motorola I56 functioned flawlessly and my contacts were integrated very quickly and were available. I have about 30 entries so its not alot of data.

Anyone experience this going to 2.11 and how did you resolve. Rebecca any suggestions on what to try.

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Completely delete the bluetooth pairing from both your phone and MFT. Do a master reset on your MFT unit and reboot your phone, then re-pair and see if that solves your problem.

No joy. Just tried a complete reset and repairing. Endless loop for 15 min. Call history is there and the phone is connected. I guess whats a normal amount of time to have to wait???

Day 2 and its still downloading. Deleted and reconnected two times hoping that would fix it, no luck. As stated before the Motorola I576 worked on 2.4 and the phone contacts downloaded and were available for voice dial. My drive to and from work is about 45 minutes so I would think it would download something by then.

Help Ford IVT Team looking for a solution regretting jumping off 2.4.

Followed Rebeccas suggestion and after deleting and repairing the phone the contacts appeared finally. Success!!!!!!

Ford IVT Team suggestion:

When you are pairing your phone and the system asks you "Set automatic phonebook download to ON?" say NO. After you are connected to MFT, do the following:


Followed Rebeccas suggestion and after deleting and repairing the phone the contacts appeared finally. Success!!!!!!

Janskim -

I'm glad you were able to get it to download! I'll post on your SIRIUS question in a few minutes :)

